Thursday, February 28, 2013

Memories and Reminders

Not being the domestic type I rarely dust the various items in my home. The little knick knacks, photos and other mementos scattered about. Sitting on shelves, hiding in the corners, or hanging from the walls. Each one is special and unique. Each with its' own tale to tell.
Yesterday I decided to join my wife in doing the dusting. Perhaps it was a blue moon, or maybe I had done something wrong, whatever the case, that is unimportant, I joined in. As I picked the items up to gently remove the dust I began to notice all the little details. The small nuances in construction and design that you don't notice at first. A careful inspection shows the item in a whole new light. The things that I had purchased, I became reminded of what had drawn me to it. Other items came to me either as gifts or treasured heirlooms. I studied each item, cleaned it off and placed it back in it's place.
I began to get in touch with my feminine side. I thought of the character played by Maureen O'Hara (Kate) in the movie, The Quiet Man. I remembered her love for her things. Her dowery,as she called it. I thought of the struggle she had to make John Wayne (Sean Thronton) understand the importance of those items. I too, "want my things about me !" Then I got a little nervous and quit dusting. Surely their is some mans work to do around here. I'll get the tools.
I do understand how someone could become a hoarder. Each item does have significance, In my case, and the case of all normal people, the significance of each holds a different value. The most treasured of mine, I haven't purchased for myself. They are either family pieces or gifts to me. It would be difficult to dispose of some things, but impossible to dispose of others. I believe we keep these items as reminders. Reminders of the past and the places we have been. Singular moments in time captured in an article. I did enjoy revisiting those memories. They had been sitting on the shelf just waiting for me. It'll be a while before I visit again but that is what keeps it special. Don't want to do that too often or the magic disappears. Guess that is why men don't dust !

Memories and Reminders

1 comment:

  1. Cute finish! But you're so right....things we own have some significance or we wouldn't keep them. I think I'm a bit too sentimental sometimes. Dust cloth or no dust cloth,I tend to visit those memories more often as I age, but also feel ready to lighten the load a bit.
