Friday, February 8, 2013


Every so often I see an advertisement on the television that gives me pause to think. The latest one I've noticed is for a new mattress. This mattress promises the most comfortable nights sleep ever. Ok, heard that before. This mattress incorporates three separate technologies. Memory foam, a gel of some type and the third escapes me at the moment. Perhaps air adjustment technology but I won't swear to that. Whatever the case, the part of the ad that caught my attention is the fact they don't give you the price. They do say you can get financing for this product. They offer a four year plan. What ? I remember when you financed a car for four years ! Now I should finance my mattress. Must be some mattress. I shudder to think if I also need the box spring and frame.
Another that I'm seeing again, was on last year, is Joe Kennedy talking about oil heat. This year he is visiting a family with a five year old child that has tumors and has undergone five surgeries. The child now needs chemotherapy. The mother is in a wheel chair and the father works two jobs. They need help paying their oil bill for heat. It is all a very sad case. According to Joe,as he refers to himself, only President Chavez of Venezuela answered  his pleas for help. President Chavez and the good people of  Venezuela showed compassion and understanding, along with Citgo. Oil for Joe. The problem I have with that bit of advertising is that it is misleading in so many ways. There are many avenues for obtaining assistance with oil for heating other than this. Attempting to exploit the misfortunes of others to arouse my anger and hopefully make me buy Citgo oil,( really it is the gasoline they are selling) just doesn't sit well with me.
The funniest thing to me is, the ads I enjoy watching the most, I don't remember what they are advertising. I get amused by the ad itself and the product gets lost in the shuffle. The ad people wouldn't be very happy about that. Those and the ones that say, but wait, if you call within the next thirty seconds, and you see the ad every day for a month. Crack me up. That's not all you get ! Just pay separate handling and processing fee. At least those ads don't try to hide the fact that you are getting ripped off. They tell you if you listen. 

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