Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Controlling healthcare

Here is a random thought I had yesterday while at work. I think what we really need are five hour energy donuts. I haven't tried any of the energy drinks myself, but from all accounts they taste terrible. So a chocolate frosted energy donut sounds about right. Wouldn't have to worry about gaining weight either because with all that energy you could just work it off. The perfect combination. If we can put a man on the moon surely we could make those.
That thought came to me as I watched some of our customers at the grocery store. Bent over almost double,sprawled across the handle of the shopping cart, feet shuffling along barely making forward progress. They are either very tired, or future zombies. Now I don't want to sound critical or condescending but a good portion of them looked like they really enjoyed their donuts. If you know what I mean. At least it appears that way judging by the contents of those carts. And so, an idea is born. I'll have to submit that idea to Hostess. Oh wait, they went out of business. I'm too late to save them but Little Debbie is still going strong.
With the growing crisis in the cost of health care we all need to do our part. Trying to stay healthy is a patriotic duty. In a lot of schools they can't pray or say the pledge of allegiance every morning, so how about doing jumping jacks instead ! How about making parking lots that are at least 1000 feet away from the stores. You have to walk to get there. No more drive up windows at fast food places. Drive up service is only allowed at health food stores ! Soda and other sugary drinks are only sold in eight ounce servings, individually. These are just a few ideas. I'm sure we could all think up some more and get this health care stuff under control. 

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