Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Waking Up

I've talked before about how this social network,Facebook.has changed things. It has certainly reconnected me with old friends and classmates. An exchange of ideas,memories and old photographs. I have noticed how the progression went.
At first,talking with old classmates,the topic was about how everyone was doing now and their families. Marriages,births and location was shared. Then,old memories were shared. Pictures followed this. Pictures of the old places and pictures from yearbooks and such. Few pictures however,that were current shots. They did come a little later. I,and I'm sure I wasn't alone in this,was struck by the fact that these people looked old ! How could that be ? Grey haired and wrinkled faces. These were older people ! I hadn't aged that much,had I ? I don't feel like I have and the face in the mirror is mine alright. Honestly, my face does have some " character lines " and that "touch of grey " is rather distinguished looking. Oh alright, it is wrinkles and that touch of grey is just a touch,as long as a paint roller was doing the touching. But never mind about that, those former classmates of mine have aged ! That was the first time I starting feeling a little bit old.
The other day I fired up the computer to check the " status." I do that a lot. Getting nosy in my later years I suppose. Well,there over on the right hand side was a notification. Little Diedra was five today. What, Diedra is five ? Let's see, Diedra would be my grand niece. That would make me her Grand Uncle. Why does that sound so much older than being a Grand father ? I'm used to being Grandpa and have Grand kids in their teens. But this Grand Niece turning five,WOW, I'm getting old.
And now this group of old classmates and I have reached another point. We are now listing those classmates of ours that have passed on. It is only right and fitting that we should do so. On a personal level, I have been very fortunate to not have lost many that were very close to me. Some have lost brothers and sisters. My sympathies to them all.
It hasn't happened yet but it will. There will come a time when we start discussing our health issues. Doctors and perscribtions will become topics of conversation. It will happen with this group. Spend any amount of time around the elderly and you will hear it all. We are not in the elderly group yet, but we are getting close !
I like the Facebook thing. I am pleased that it has enabled me to reconnect. It is also a learning tool. It gives one pause to consider how their own lives have progressed. I have certainly been blessed. It can open your eyes too. Wake up and smell the roses ! Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Gray streaks and laugh lines, age spots and a few more pounds, aches and pains every morning...all these notwithstanding, I'm not OLD! Aging, yes, but not old. And PUHLEEEEZE let's not discuss those ailments,illnesses and medications. THAT will make us SOUND old! :-)

    Be well...
