Saturday, August 6, 2011

Passing it down

There are certain things that you hope to pass down to the next generation. This has always been so. The old ways and customs that are so important to us, hopefully, become as important to them. Preserving tradition,history and values. The lessons we have learned in life we wish to convey.
Funny how it seems to fall to the grandparents a lot of the time. I guess it shouldn't really be surprising as we grandparents are the repository for this information. I know for me, it is an honor and a privilege to share. In the back of our minds we are hoping to keep our memory alive. It has been said, you are never really gone as long as you are remembered.
Among the myriad of things to be handed down are recipes. That's right recipes. I do think this is getting to be less and less common though. Not as much cooking and baking going on today. That's a shame too. That comfort food that mom used to make can not be replaced by any fast food or restaurant food ! What is it they say, Mom added the secret ingredient, love. A lot of truth there.
Traditionally these recipes were handed down to the daughters. Although it depended on what was being prepared in my house. Baking was the domain of the womenfolks. If the cooking involved BBQ or wild game it was a mans thing. Macho cooking is a different thing altogether ! My dad taught me to cook eels,scallops and fish. His other specialty was pancakes,don't ask me why.
We are big on tradition here at Grandmas house. We do certain things every year. That's what makes it a tradition. Among those traditions is baking. Baking cupcakes,cookies and bread.
The summer is winding down and school will be back in session soon. The baking season begins shortly after that. As the air gets a chill, the oven will comfort you. The warmth and aroma added to the kitchen says, fall and winter.
I'm getting a bit anxious. The record temperatures we have been having probably being the cause.
Grandma and Morgan,my grand daughter,will do the baking. Morgan is getting to be quite the little baker. She did buy Grandma and herself matching aprons, after all.
 I find it comforting to see the two of them in the kitchen together. Guess I'm a little old fashioned but it always looks like a Norman Rockwell moment to me. The ingredients spread out on the counter. Bowls and measuring cups sitting out. The smells and inevitably, flour everywhere ! It just can't be helped.
In time, the " top secret " recipe for the famous apple cake will becomes hers. This recipe comes from her great great grandmother,who learned it from her mother. This recipe landed at Ellis Island, along with Grandma, from Sweden in 1899. My own mother passed it down to my sister and I. I remember my mom telling me how she had to convert Grandmas' measurements to ones we could use. A dash of this and a palm full of that converted to teaspoons and cups. I don't think Grandma even owned a measuring cup.
tastes right

perfect !
Others have asked for the recipe but " request denied. " I'm keeping it a secret. It's a tradition. Or,at the very least, I'm starting to make it a tradition. Grandma had ten kids and I'm not sure how many got the recipe. No matter, I am the only contingent from my family in this neck of the woods. Tradition starts here.
Great Great Grandmother Bennett would be pleased !

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