Saturday, August 27, 2011

An unwelcome guest

I,along with millions of others,am sitting here in anticipation of a hurricane.
Should be here this afternoon. Like an unwelcome guest with children it will create havoc. One can only make preperations and hope for the best. The damage to property can be repaired and items lost replaced. You just hope and pray that no one gets hurt.
This is not my first hurricane and I'm quite sure it will not be my last. I have been fortunate in each and every instance. No significant loss or damage. I'm confident I will make it through this event.
The name of this storm is Irene. The first thing that came to mind was the song, Good night Irene. Not a good omen. Then I remembered the last major storm we had here was Isabel. Seems like the I's have it. I know it should be ayes but you see what I did there. LOL
Like everyone else that has been around for a few decades I have heard the stories of the legendary storms. My parents have pictures from one of them. Before my time in 1938. That one was a monster and very bad indeed. This event should be no were near that. That is a positive !
A few final things to do and it will be time to hunker down. Batten the hatches. Hove too ! Ride out the storm.
Used to be we were concerned with the telephone lines being down. Now we need to worry about the cell phone towers. If they get knocked over I expect it will take longer to repair. I heard that 25% of American homes are now cell phone only. That could create a problem. And of course if the internet gets knocked out that could be a real issue as well.
I'm sure someone,somewhere will be streaming live from the hurricane. They will be out in the storm trying to capture it all. Some local counties have banned the sale of alcohol. I don't remember that happening before ? Is that a new thing or just something I never noticed ? Could put a crimp in the hurricane party,that's for sure. And I also hear you have to be on the lookout for looters. These criminals will try to use the storm as cover. Unbelievable the depths they will sink too. I'll be at home so don't come knocking !
That's Irene
I'll be keeping all my friends and family in mind. The storm will pass in a few hours and I'm hoping the effects will not be long term. After it is over we can all tell our tales of the big storm. The hurricane of 2011. Irene.
Good luck to you all.

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