Thursday, August 11, 2011


Soccer season is just around the corner. My son Kevin is the town rep for Greensboro. The teams have been formed,sponsors acquired and new equipment ordered and received. All set to go.
I was remembering when I was young, soccer was not a popular sport. We played it in Gym class but I think that was about it. I don't remember if the school had a soccer team or not. Baseball,football and basketball were still king then. Not sure when soccer rose to the prominence it enjoys now.
My grandson has been playing soccer now for three seasons or so. Little League too. I love watching the kids play sports. To see them active and not sitting in front of some tv screen. Learning about life in the process.
As a grandfather and spectator I have noticed the different phases they go through. First is the beginner stage. During this time period they have a hard time staying focused on the game. It is during this phase when the game is being played just for fun. They are just as likely to stop and pick a flower as they are to try to score a point. They don't get upset by losing the game or by making a mistake. They just enjoy the game. It is by far the most enjoyable for a parent or grandparent to watch.
The next phase is what I call the awkward stage. They are aware of the rules. They usually try very hard and have difficulty with loses and mistakes. They will sometimes still lose focus. Winning and losing becomes important. They are aware of their own shortcomings on the field. Peer pressure is a factor,too !
This is the stage I do not like. It is painful for the participates and the spectators. You can't help but feel their anguish when the play goes wrong. It is a difficult time for all. But it is during this phase that character is built. This separates the doers from the quitters.
The final stage I have yet to enjoy on a personal level. That is still a few years away. The stage where they play the game the way it was intended. Their skills have been developed. The desire to win is present and they stay focused on that task. Most have learned how to interact with their teammates in a positive way offering encouragement instead of criticism. A true athletic contest. I look forward to that.
These phases apply to everything the children do. It is not just sports. Not everyone is athletically inclined. Maybe playing an instrument or being in another club. The phases are applicable. Come to think of it,you could apply that to your whole life. I'm still learning the game and hope to improve.
Next season will be better !

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