Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I had hoped to attend my fortieth high school class reunion. It is looking like that isn't going to happen. For a variety of reasons I just am not going to be able to make it. Maybe another time.
I sent an e-mail to one of the organizers for this event. Naturally, we went to school together. We haven't seen or spoken to one another since 1971. Oh, in the past few months we have exchanged pleasantries on the computer regarding the upcoming reunion. I received a reply from her expressing her sorrow that I wouldn't be able to attend. The salutation was ," Benny ". That just struck a chord. I haven't been called Benny since I was in high school. I go by Ben now.
So I got to thinking about that. To my classmates I am Benny. Not Ben but Benny.
So who was this Benny. A rather skinny kid about 5' 8" that was an average student. He hung around with a small group of friends. He didn't do sports or belong to the band,yet could usually be found in the general neighborhood.
He came from below the bridge, working class family, but would mingle with everyone.
That is about it I think. I was one of those that went to school and was just there. I didn't belong to the band,drama club,play any sports or participate in extracurricular activities. I was just there.
All my classmates I put into little niches. We all do that. That kid is from a rich family, he is from a poor one, her father owns a business, he is a bully, she is this or that. Everyone tucked away neatly in our memory. But how much of that memory is true ? Perception is often quite different than the reality.
I think the purpose of these reunions is to reconnect with the past. To relive some of those glory days and satisfy some of our curiosity as well. Face it,we all wonder if the rich kids stayed rich and if the poor kids stayed poor. Did the scholar succeed ? The pretty girls,are they still pretty ?
Reliving the past can be fun. You can edit out the bad. Also the things you remember may not be exactly what the others remember. After forty years though, I really don't think it would matter much.
I'm a little sad that I won't be able to attend. Perhaps another time. On the bright side however, Benny will live on. Some might say, where is Benny ?
Others will answer, he is alive and well and living in Maryland. And the topic of conversation will change.
Not having seen me in forty years there image of me is unchanged.
 Little Benny Reichart. I wonder sometimes just what image they did have ? People,even kids, were a lot more polite and understanding of others feelings back then. Opinions were often kept to themselves or whispered to other friends.
So, just who was Little Benny Reichart ?

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