Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On the Soapbox

Occasionaly I like to climb upon the soapbox. Like most people I feel I can offer some insight and suggestions concerning the problems of the day. This is one of those days.
I was watching the evening news and they were talking about the dream act. This act would provide for in state tution for undocumented aliens. The general thinking being to educate these undocumented aliens so they can become productive citizens. Sounds good doesn't it ? Well I'm all for the American Dream. The words written on the base of the Statue of Liberty are inspiring and encouaging. The thing is, it used to be you had to work for the dream. It was not guaranteed. It was not given to you. You had to earn it. You started by immigrating legaly and obeying the law of the land.
Now it seems like you ,or your parents ,can just migrate across the boarder. Take advantage of our public school sysytem,because that is part of the act,you have to have attended our public school system at least two years to qualify for in state tution rates. My Grandson could not choose to go to another state however and recieve this same benefit. No,you see,his family are all citizens of this country and pay taxes.
And while I'm on the subject of entitlements,since when does the Government or anyone else owe you anything ? What ever happened to just earning the things you wanted. The Government would provide for the protections you needed to live a decent life and earn a decent living but not provide you with that life. When the government started rewarding people for bad behaviours it began a decline. I remember a time when you had to pay for your mistakes ! In some situations the government rewards continued " mistakes " by increasing your stipend and awarding additional benefits.
Some of this decline is a result of attitude. My generation was raised with a sense of pride. Pride in yourself. Handouts and assistance were not to be accepted unless absouletly necessary. And if taken,taken only for so long as needed. It was not a lifestyle ! More and more I see the attitude changing to, I don't work and I don't care. Give me more !
The American Dream is achievable ! It is achieved by hard work and dedication. It is not to be gained by demonstrating in the streets ! It is not gained by demands !

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