Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Little Church

Next door to where I live is a small church. This building was not always a church but I'm not sure of its' function prior to that. This church is used by immigrants. I believe the language being spoken is Spanish, but I'm not positive.
The lady's attending this church wear head scarfs that trail down around their shoulders. Almost like a Muslim lady would wear, excepting their faces are fully exposed. Services are held both Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
I took some Spanish in high school and believe this church is an Evangelical church. Judging by the sights and sounds coming from the building, I'm thinking it would be a cross between southern Baptist and some of those snake charmers I have seen on television.
Please don't misunderstand me. They are welcome to practice their faith as they see fit. I am not judging them,just observing and commenting. And no, I'm not spying either,they are literally next door.
The Pastor,if that is the proper term for his station,is quite vocal. There are occasions when I can not help but hear him. As I said, I'm not sure of the language being spoken but the meaning is clear; his flock needs direction. He is providing that guidance at a fever pitch. I often say to my wife," I don't know what they did this time, but he sure is yelling at them."
Having been in the Navy and traveled to many foreign lands I know about the language barrier. It is difficult and frustrating. In this case I'm not trying to communicate with them but am curious about what is being said. Yeah,guess I'm a little bit nosy. When that preacher really gets wound up and yelling at the top of his lungs it just naturally piques your interest.
Occasionally, I hear them singing songs accompanied by a guitarist. This started about a year or so ago and the guitarist,if it is the same person,has improved quite a bit. The songs all sound alike to me. Probably the language thing. They definitely won't be making any recordings.
I admit at first I was a little suspicious about them. Since 9-11 anyone looking like a Muslim and talking a language I don't quite get,gets my attention. I know this is only, Greensboro but you hear about these sleeper cells. I have decided they are harmless people practicing their faith. Initially I found it a little unsettling when he would be preaching and really shouting but the parishioners never responded. I was always expecting a loud "Amen" or something of that nature. All I ever hear is silence.
I bump into the preacher every now and then. He is cordial enough but his English leaves a lot to be desired. I suspect he is a little leery about me,as I was about him. It is only natural. The general attitude here in Greensboro and the surrounding area is not what you would call inviting. These are not the first immigrants to experience that.
The preacher arrives from some where in Virginia every Friday night. He stays at the church until Sunday afternoon. It is a regular routine and he makes it every week. I can only speculate what it is he is telling them. He sure is a firebrand though. It's a little bit scary. It is all what you are used too and what you expect. His brand of preaching is foreign to me. I'm sure they could say the same about me.

The Church

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