Monday, February 14, 2011


It is St. Valentines day. You don't hear the saint part much anymore I suppose someone could get offended.
It is a kind of confusing celebration. It is more for spouses and lovers or for friends and family ? It changes depending upon the circumstances. For your spouse or lover it is about expressing an undying love. Long stemmed roses (red) and the traditional box of chocolates at the very minimum. They may say it is not necessary but it is best to be safe.
When you are a child in elementary school you give valentines to everyone. They just fly indiscriminately.
 I remember buying large bags of valentine cards to fill out and give to classmates. We made a large heart shaped envelope and taped it to our desk. The valentines were placed in there. Some of us got a lot and others only a few. There were funny ones and some very simple ones that just said,Happy Valentines Day.
I think this practice ended about the sixth grade.
As you get older Valentine giving becomes much more discreet. I always got something for my Mom. A card and maybe a box of Whitman sampler. I don't remember giving out any to the Girls in high school. That gesture would have seemed a bit over the top. Valentines then only professed eternal and lasting love. Why it would have been close to proposing marriage.
After you are married flowers and a card are expected. Perhaps you go out for a romantic dinner. Years go by and Valentines can lose its' sparkle. Cupcakes to bake for the kids in school. Helping them do their valentines. For some the day is turning into a chore. It can also get expensive.
Now that I am a Grand Father I get cards for the grand kids. Candy too. For my grand daughter a pink carnation. The grand son is too old for all that but likes the candy just the same. Yes it is a mixed message this Valentine stuff.
I read a little history about this holiday. In ancient Rome women would be hit with a strip of sacrificed goat skin to make them fertile. On St. Valentines day all the young womens' names were placed in a kettle and a lottery held. They got paired up with a man for the next year. Many marriages were the result.
They are actually three Saint Valentine(s). The catholic church has martyred them all.

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