Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I was watching Americas Game,Wheel of Fortune. It was Valentines day so naturally they had couples on there. One couple were in the Army. What caught my attention was they were wearing combat fatigues. I don't know when the rules changed but when I was in the military you could not wear your work clothes IE: combat fatigues or dungaree pants and shirts anywhere except at work. You were required to wear your dress uniform or civilian clothing while off the base. I have noticed this around the area were I live too. I am fairly close to an Air base and see the Air Force personnel wearing their fatigues in Wal Mart and the mall. I suppose it is what you are accustomed too but I don't like it. I was proud to wear my dress uniform. I didn't wear it all the time of course but for special occasions I would put that on. I have worn it once since retiring. It was in a Veterans Day parade. There were only six or seven Veterans in the parade so I didn't do it that again. I was the only one in a dress uniform.
I have noticed some police departments have adopted this mode of dress as well. Black clothing,pant legs bloused into the top of their boots and a belt bristling with weapons. They look more like a para military outfit than the Police. A bit intimidating to younger children and some older. I remember when a Policeman would be neatly dressed, shirt and tie,polished shoes,and always with a hat on. They had a different demeanor back in those days too. More friendly and willing to help. Now they just look all business and not very approachable.
It is a different world today I know. The crime rate is way up there and the Police have to be ready for anything. This is the reason for this change I suppose. I still don't like it. I like it when the Police projected a sense of law and order not by brute force but rather by example. You hear a lot about the swat teams but little about the everyday Officer.
I'm from an older generation and tend to bemoan changes. I am aware of this and try to understand. I can't help but think about times gone past. We all know the story of Clothes make the Man and there is a certain element of truth in that. When I was in my dress uniform people tended to address me with a certain amount of respect and I replied in kind. I was representing the U.S.Navy. A neatly uniformed police officer has the same effect. He/She are far more approachable. If I see someone in combat gear it has a tendency to make me leery. Maybe it is just me but ?
I traveled a lot during my Navy career and have been to many countries in Europe. In a lot of them the Police walk around the streets carrying automatic weapons. They look ready for combat at any second. It is rather unnerving as you know their laws differ greatly from ours. In the major cities they tend to tone it down because of the tourists. Still their presence is felt. I would hate for America to become like that. It probably is in the big cities already. I'm not feeling more secure in recent years and there is little to be done about it.

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