Sunday, February 20, 2011

Habit forming

I was just wondering why it is so much easier to pick up a bad habit than develop a good one. Seems like I can pick up a bad habit just about anywhere at anytime. Good ones however, you have to develop. Isn't that curious ?
Bad habits you just pick up,good ones you have to develop. That means first you have to form a committee to study the problem,then devise a plan,implement the plan,execute the plan and keep executing until it forms into a habit. Research and development usually exhausts all my resources and I have none left for the project. In other cases a lack of execution causes the habit to not develop at all. In those cases it is back to committee. A bad habit I can have whenever, usually without even being aware of it. Insidious those bad habits.
I can remember when my school teachers would preach to the class about forming good study habits. Set a time each day,stick to the schedule,turn off all distractions. That never happened with me, died in committee. There was always something a bit more compelling to do. I always just fit that homework in there somewhere,most of the time anyway. Brushing your teeth and combing your hair were habits that were encouraged. Brushing the teeth part developed alright but the combing of the hair part got stuck in committee.
I have found the development of good habits requires positive reinforcement. When I was a kid this came in the form of threats,denial of property or privilege and occasionally physical violence. Nowadays they call it tough love but back then it was called getting your butt beat. In all fairness it did encourage proper behaviour. It definitely provided reinforcement of the behaviour.
As an adult the positive reinforcement came in different forms. I had the habit of smoking cigarettes. I quit that habit and the reinforcement was in several forms, I can breathe again, my clothes don't stink and I have a few extra bucks. The extra bucks could lead to another bad habit so; my wife keeps those.
It has been said we are creatures of habit. That is a true statement but why are they usually bad habits ?
You don't often hear anyone say," He has a good habit." You do hear,"He has a bad habit." Why are our minds wired for the bad ? Why is it we can adopt bad habits so quickly ? Maybe that is the very reason we have a hard time getting rid of those bad habits, We adopted them ! A child,even an adopted one,is loved just as much as a natural born child.
I have a special occasion coming up this year. It is one of those occasions when you want to look your best. My waist seems to have expanded a bit over the years so it requires some attention. I'm thinking perhaps a few stomach crunches in the morning followed by a jog ought to do the trick. Problem is, I'm just not in the habit of exercising. I need to develop this habit and quickly. I'll send it to committee and study their recommendations. For right now though I'll have another cup of coffee and a hot cinnamon bun with that white icing on it . I'd do some crunches but my back hurts and I had best not risk further damage. Could jog but it is kinda cold and windy out. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Well,spring is just around the corner and I've got plenty of time.

1 comment:

  1. Funny that we both wrote about habits today! Must be something in the air...or maybe great minds think alike?
