Monday, February 21, 2011

A little thing

Yesterday I just happened to have those small glass bottles of Coca Cola. You know the kind we had as kids. My grandson had used them in a school project. I stuck them in the fridge.
I don't know why it is but I think those cokes taste better than any other one on the market. Maybe it is just a mental thing,a longing to be young again. I remember getting these cokes out of the machine at Peckhams' garage for ten cents.
Later in the day when the grandson came over to visit for a while he wanted to drink one. I told him sure,after all they were his anyway. He took the bottle and asked me how do you open it ? Laughing I told him to use the can/bottle opener. Yes,I still have one with a magnetic back on it stuck to the fridge. Taking it down I handed it to him. It was at this point that I realized he didn't have a clue on how to use it. I was stunned ! He is ten years old and an honor student in the fourth grade. How is it possible he doesn't know about using a bottle opener ? I showed him the technique. Set the bottle on a firm surface,hold it tightly with your left hand and pry up on the lid with your right hand. Following these instructions the lid popped off and as is usual the bottle moved a little and some soda comes flying out. Looking disgusted he says that is why you don't open the bottle on the kitchen table. It has a tablecloth on it and he thought he would be in trouble.
Grandma and I just laughed. A few hours later his sister comes in and we repeat the performance. It was amusing to watch her try to figure out how to use the opener. A little instruction and the job was done.
Afterwards I was thinking about what other things they may not have experienced. I know they have never seen the cans when the pull tab used to come off in your hand. Doubt they ever had to open a can with the can opener,you know,like a can of soda. My mother used evaporated milk in her coffee and those little cans you opened using the point of the opener facing you. You just laid it on there and pushed down hard.
Yes,it was just a little thing but goes to show how things change over time. Wonder if they have seen any cans with a seam down the side ? I make a conscious effort to show them things and teach them about the past. Tell them or show them how we used to do things. That was one I missed. A few weeks ago I showed them how to make spitballs and shoot them from a straw. There Dad wasn't too happy about that when they hit him.

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