Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feeling Cheated

I see where a good portion of the country has been hit with a massive blizzard. Whiteout conditions,high winds and very cold temperatures. Here in my corner of Maryland all we have is rain. I feel cheated somehow.
I don't understand why I should feel this way it is a good thing right ? To have been spared that inconvenience and potential for harm. Still, I feel left out. I get that same feeling in the summer months when the hurricanes miss us. It is not that I have a wish to be harmed or my property destroyed. I don't want others to lose their property or be harmed either. I think it comes down to, I want to belong in the discussion.
Like the way it is if you are one that has witnessed an accident. People will ask you about it. Then others will be talking about it and you can trump them with, "I saw it happen." You can be part of the discussion because you where there and the best is being a witness.
We all want to belong to the group. To be a part of what is happening. It is ingrained in our characters. Even as toddlers we want this. Watch a group of toddlers playing together and you will see this happen. One will have a certain toy and another will come and try to take it. They just want to be part of the group. Some of us will follow fashion and trends to belong to a group. We all like to share in our experiences. That may be the reason some of us take to drink and drugs.
There are those that don't belong to any group. These people that socially isolate themselves have a problem. They are the ones that turn out to be murderers or worse. The shrinks will tell you that. We all already know that by instinct. It is just not natural to be alone or want to be alone.
Yes,I feel cheated somehow. All these other people will have great blizzard stories to tell. They will have pictures to share and tales to tell for generations to come. All I will be able to say is,I heard about it on television. We got rain. My Mom went through an epic hurricane in 1938 and still talks about it. Closest thing I can talk about is an ice storm a few years back but it is not very exciting. No earth quakes,tornadoes,or significant hurricanes,no erupting volcanoes,tidal waves or dangerous storms. What a dull existence.
Did witness an automobile accident the other day. No one was hurt and the car drove away. We had a pretty good storm last week,thousands lost power,I didn't. Well not much to talk about so I'll close for today. Maybe something exciting will happen.

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