Friday, February 18, 2011

On "The List "

We have a saying in my house whose origins are unsure but I'm suspecting it stems from my Mother.
I guess other folks know about being on the list, I'm not sure. At any rate I woke up this morning to find I was once again, on the list.
My Mother is the primary keeper of the list but everyone in my family has one. There are a couple of names on my list. It is a fairly easy thing to do to wind up on the list. It may be for something you have or have not done. Something implied will get you on the list just as quickly as if you stated it outright.
The best part of the list is that you usually don't remain there long as you will be replaced by the next person.
Also,you can get yourself removed from the list rather easily. I hate being on the list. It is just a guilt thing. Even when I've done nothing,in my opinion,to deserve being placed on the list I still feel a sense of guilt. It is a strange and unsettling feeling. There are times when you don't know you are on the list. The initial placement may not be known to you but it will leak out. My sister has called me and told me I was on the list. When this happens whatever infraction I have committed will be spelled out.
The quickest way to wind up on the list is to not do what is expected of you. You know you should have called but got preoccupied and did not. You, my friend ,are on the list. When you do call it will be answered with a cool and judgemental manner I can assure you. Sarcasm being a favorite tactic. " So,Guess you were too busy to call ." You may also get the, everything is fine routine. We all know that one, everything is fine as long as you admit you were wrong !
I have found the best defense is too quickly admit your wrongdoing,apologize profusely and bring up a different subject. The best way resulting in someone else going on the list. That way the anger gets redirected.
There are different tactics to be employed depending on which list you are on, but that one seems to work in most cases.
Well, I'm on the list again. Rats, I hate being on the list. What is this strange hold it has over me. Tonight I'll make the required gesture and hopefully get removed from the list. At the least I could get moved down a notch or two. Have to see if I can't find some dirt on somebody to get them to the top.
And just what is this "List"
The list is when another person ( keeper of the list) is angry or upset with you about some perceived infraction or an actual one and doesn't just come out and tell you. You only know by intuition or another person telling you. A harbored resentment. You know you are on  "The List." Figuring out just why is the hard part. Unless, of course you are guilty. Its' complicated. Whatever you may call it you know when you are " on the list."

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