Monday, October 18, 2010


I had occasion just the other day to go to the grand opening of a Shoprite supermarket. There were give-a-ways and free food samples. There were helpful employees at every turn. This store,in addition to the food section,had a lounge complete with flat screen tv,fireplace and free wi-fi. Next to the lounge was a meeting room that seemed to be preparing to host a Baltimore Ravens function of some kind. Of course there was a complete pharmacy in the store as well. But that was not all,not by a long shot ! They had a food court similar to what you expect at the mall ! This store occupies what was a Walmart store so you can only imagine the size of the entire complex. Banking was available and a host of other services. Truly a shopping marvel.
As I was walking around the store checking things out I got a familiar vibe. It took me a little time to figure out what that vibe was but then it hit me. An amusement park. A big one like Disney or Six Flags. Most of the people were excited to be there and rushing about. Anxious is the best word I think to describe it. The patrons were a little pushy trying to get to see things or make a purchase. Almost like they were trying to see it all before closing time. I have been in other stores similar to this but not during the grand opening.
The selection in this supermarket was truly amazing. Foodstuffs of every type available fresh,frozen, canned,boxed,dehydrated,reconstituted,blended,organic and inorganic. Many of the items I had never even heard of. To tell you the truth it was a bit overwhelming for my shopping experience. I am a simple man with simple tastes.
The prices were quite high. I realize they have to pay for all those amenities. The overhead costs have to be staggering. Heating and electrical costs alone must be considerable.
And,oh by the way,should you not wish to come to this shoppers Paradise you can order online and have your items delivered.
Grocery shopping is not high on my list of things to do and going to a store like this one only makes it more annoying to me. I like to get in the store,get r done and get out. There is enough hassle in my life without fighting crowds at a superstore and spending hours trying to locate the items I want. Soon you will need a GPS tracking system to find your way around these behemoths of shopping inconvenience.

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