Sunday, October 3, 2010

It will happen

When did you know you were getting older ? Not too long ago it hit me like a ton of bricks ! I'm getting old.
Oh,I had indications that this was occurring but I could rationalize most of the signs away.
Gray hair,not necessarily old, I have friends that had gray hair in their twenties. Don't know the latest popular songs. So what I'm a country music fan anyway and even some of these country singers today aren't really country. Doesn't prove a thing. Reaction times are a little slower now but the world is moving faster too.
I got into the Facebook thing a year or so ago. I'm still young and hip enough to try new things. I reconnected with some high school friends. Now I gotta tell you some of them have gotten old ! I saw their pictures and they look old. After seeing that I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I don't look that old ? I have a very good mirror. Well,there are a few wrinkles but they are character lines. Doesn't make you old.
So what; I remember black and white television and rotary phones. I remember Kennedy being shot and landing on the moon doesn't make me old exactly,experienced is the term. Yeah I retired from the Navy but I was only 42 then and thats' not old. Yes I have Grandchildren but that in and of itself does not make you old. I'm not your typical sterotyped Grandpa. Not me, I can still run and play ball. Shoot ,I even climbed a tree just last week.
So let me tell you what happened that awakened me to the inevitable fact I'm getting old !
I was getting my haircut,I still have a fine full head of hair,when the barber says," would you like your eyebrows trimmed"  WHAT ! My eyebrows need trimming ? Holy S--T I'm must be getting old. Only old men need thier eyebrows trimmed. How could this be ? Is this some cruel genetic joke ?
I answered,"yes please" and went home quite subdued. I went directly to the bathroom mirror to take another look. Crap,I am getting older. I'm so old my skin is looking grey.
If you aren't old yet watch out it'll sneak up on you. I know.

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