Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Curious Object

When I was young I would go to my Great Grandfathers house. My Great Grandmother having long since passed , no one else lived in that big old two story home but him. He stayed,for the most part,in his big old kitchen. The kitchen stove,coal or wood burning,was used for cooking and heating. The bath was directly off the kitchen. He had a very high bed in one corner. I still remember that bed because it was so high up and covered with heavy wool blankets almost military like. Guess that is because there was no woman to add her touch.
His home was filled with objects collected over the generations that had lived here. This home was once Great Grandmothers childhood home so at the time I would go there it was on its fourth generation of inhabitants.I often wandered throughout the place looking at things. Every so often a particular object would pique my interest and I just had to ask about it. I found this medium sized box. It had a wooden frame that held all the sides together. All the sides,except for the base,were pierced tin. One side could be opened and inside was a plain tin box almost the same size. A handle was fixed for carrying. A most curious object !
I wondered what its use could have been. Grabbing it up I took it to Gramp.thats' what I always called him.

Gramp just looked at me like I was stupid or something. Why its' a foot warmer he replied. What ? How does it work ? There is no plug on it or anything. My Great Grandfather just laughed and said I'll show you. He opened the door on the side and slid the tin box out. Over to the stove and scooping out a few glowing coals he placed them in the box. Sliding the box back inside he then closed the door. Put your feet on top of the box he said. I could feel the warmth almost immediately. Then he explained to me you would use this when riding in your carriage. Place a small blanket over it and your knees and you will have warmth for quite a while. You could stop at anyones home for more coals if the journey was a long one.
I never forgot that and think about it every now and then when my feet get cold. How easy we have it today riding in our climate controled environments. How nice it must have been to just stop by and ask for a few coals. I'm sure warm beverages were offered and a short visit was in order.Had to be better than hitting the rest stop on the freeway !

1 comment:

  1. They used them at church too - services were long and that's why if you go into an old church - like EH Presbyterian, the dividers between pews go all the way to the ground. That helped keep the heat in. They also had doors to get in and out of the pew for the same reason. They had foot warmers and blankets to stay warm.

    We are indeed a spoiled people now!
