Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Was thinking about things you used to find in every ones home not too long ago but probably wouldn't find in most today.  The ones that you do find are more likely to be part of the decor than serving a purpose.One of these items was a door stop. My mother had one,a iron casting of a cat sitting on a block. Quite heavy it stood next to the front door for as long as I can remember. Both of my Grandparents had them in their homes.
I suppose the reason for this is the use of air conditioning. Used to be we would open our doors wide and let the cooling breeze blow through. Now we barely open the windows. Some homes now don't even have screen doors.
 In the same vein I wonder how many people have paper weights anymore ? Not just an object used for that purpose but a genuine paperweight. An ice pick? Do you have one? A manual can opener. A can and bottle opener,better known as a church key. Clothes pins. A set of encyclopedias and a dictionary. A shoe horn.
A record player. A tv with legs that sat on the floor. A desk phone. A hand mixer. A wall clock with hands. A double edged razor.Wooden matches.A scrub board.
Most of these things you could find now at yard sales or junk shops. Relics of the past. Think I might go looking for a good doorstop !

1 comment:

  1. We don't have a/c in this house and I still use those old door stops every summer! One is a cast iron cat, one a cast iron vase of flowers, one a weited wooden thing with a needlepoint cover. True relics but still very useful!
