Thursday, October 28, 2010

The great bicycle heist( a tale from my childhood)

When I was fourteen (I Think) I received a sting ray bicycle for Christmas. High rise handlebars,banana seat with a sissy bar and a T-handled shifter. The frame was painted a metallic purple and the hand grips were purple with a troll face on the ends. Pretty cool stuff ! This was quite an expensive bicycle in its day.
I was old enough to ride this machine as far away from home as I wanted. Rode it to Montauk a couple times,a distance of 18 miles one way. My Mother would always say "Don't you leave that bike anywhere unattended." I didn't have a bicycle lock for reasons still unknown to me. I rode this bike over to my older brothers house one day. His wife was leaving to go the store and invited me along. I leaned the bike against a tree and off I went. When we returned the bike was gone ! I couldn't believe it,what was I going to do ? My sister in law suggested reporting this theft to the police. I called the local police and gave them a full description. They acted a little funny when I told them it was purple and had trolls on the hand grips but took all the information down along with my name and phone number.
I had to go home and face the music. It was a long walk, let me assure you ,with my head hanging low. When I got there my Mom and sister were sitting in the kitchen together. My sister immediately says," where is your bike? I see that you walked home." Well there was nothing to do but come clean so I began to tell the tale of just going to the store for a few minutes and how the bike was gone when I returned. I could tell by the look on my sisters face that she was loving it ! But that look changed rapidly when I came to the part where I had called the Police !" What,my sister said,what did you do ? Call the police ? I saw your bike there and I'm the one who took it to teach you a lesson. "Well, I said ,the Police will be looking for you.( Because you know in a kids mind the Police force was deploying a swat team to investigate this crime.) Maybe one of the neighbors saw you and will tell the police. You know your car is easy to identify. My mother had said little up to this point. "You are just going to have to call the Police and tell them she said." Not me ,I said ,I didn't do anything wrong. You did when you left that bicycle. Yes, but I didn't steal it,she did.
After a little more discussion my sister called the police station and told them what happened. The swat team was recalled,the hounds returned to their pens and peace was restored.
I think the police still have a file on my sister though.

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