Friday, October 15, 2010

The Immigrants

Immigrants,Kinda a touchy subject.
Few immigrants have ever been really welcomed to the United States despite the propaganda to the contrary.
The writing on the Statue of Liberty is a romantic notion,a noble sentiment but hardly the way most feel.
In the past most immigrants did arrive here in a legal fashion. That was because they had to take a ship to get here.Foreign nations kept track of who was leaving their countries. If you are leaving it is called Emigration. In some cases permission from your home nation was required. In others you left to escape to a better life. In recent years the Immigrants have been coming from the south and crossing our border illegally.
They are not the first to do this just the numbers are much larger.
As a general rule,although we didn't like it,we tolerated them because of one overriding factor.  Cheap Labor.
Yup,cheap labor. The first immigrants were Slaves. They didn't want to emigrate but had no choice. We didn't like it either but it was cheap labor.
Then came the Chinese. Used them to build the railroads mostly. A good source of cheap labor. The Irish came because they were starving. We took advantage of them too. Cheap Labor. The Germans came mostly in the 1800s due to their countries economic problems.
Wave after wave of immigrants. We absorbed them all,used them all. Tolerated them until eventually they became part of our society. Most were hard working,kept to themselves,and didn't present themselves as a burden to us.
The newest wave is somewhat similar in that most are hard working and keep to themselves. The biggest problem is they appear to be a burden to us. Health care and welfare being provided. This is a fairly recent problem. In the past we never provided all the freebies.
Also,like the past,they are a source of cheap labor ! Pay attention to who is championing their cause and follow the money." Look,I'm just sayin".
Personally I fail to understand why we as a nation provide all the services we do to people that are here illegally. I fail to understand why we allow them to protest and deface our flag. I fail to understand  why we do not enforce existing laws on immigration.
I am not anti immigration but  I am against breaking the law and then making me pay the price in taxes.

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