Friday, October 22, 2010

The Big Hill

I grew up on a single lane dirt road. It was a dead end road that just stopped at the last house. Beyond this road was an open area of woods where wild strawberries grew.Further along  the ground rose with two hills. First a smaller one that was suitable for sledding and manageable on my bicycle. Keep in mind there was no such thing as a mountain bike then so the Schwinn Tornado had to handle the challenge. Beyond the smaller hill was "The Big Hill." This piece of real estate was always referred to in this way. This hill was twice the size of the smaller one and much steeper. It had been conquered on a sled once in my recollection but at a cost.
You see,there was a dip between the Big hill and the smaller one. I gained such velocity coming down that big hill I went airborne and down the smaller hill. My sled was not designed to withstand this force and upon landing the runners collasped beneath it. It was a terrible crash and other than a few bruised ribs no harm done. The same could not be said for the sled which was destroyed. I did manage to go down it on my bicycle but only by riding the brake the entire way down. Discreation being the better part of valor.
As a child this hill provided hours of enjoyment. Running up and down, bicycles and sleds it seemed to me a regular amusememnt park.
 As an adult I wonder at the fascination with this. Why did I find this to be so entertaining ? I think most kids have a fondness for hills. Maybe because you somehow feel bigger standing atop it. King of the Hill ! I haven't been there in many years and I expect the scenery has changed with development. The Big Hill is still there though of that I am sure. It would take a awful lot of work to remove that from the landscape. The memories of playing on and in the shadow of that hill will stay with me forever. It sure was neat.

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