Wednesday, May 29, 2024

what it is

 Waiting to hear what the jury decides in the case of Donald Trump. No matter what they decide the results will be disputed, analyzed, scrutinized, second guessed and appealed. I don't care how you feel about Trump this "trial" has been a model for a kangaroo court. Crickey-mate it's a regular circus. The way it has been reported on the main stream news is your first clue. The "hush money" trial. There is no trial about whether hush money, otherwise known as a non-disclosure agreement, was received by Stormy Daniels. The trial is about where those funds came from. Now Trump could pay Daniels directly from his own pocket, a personal check or whatever and that is 100% legal. The question is, did he use campaign funds to pay that? Did he direct his lawyer to pay it then pay the lawyer back? That's what the big deal is all about. 
 Well, whatever the case may be the whole deal is just a political maneuver. The objective is preventing Trump from being on the ballot in November. The left will decide who you can and cannot vote for! And that is what you should be concerned about. How are you going to feel when it is your candidate that is being canceled? You know old Joe is on shaky ground in many ways. But I get it, you don't really care about old Joe, you just want the free stuff he promises. The concern isn't for the nation, it is for you. Cancel my student loan, give me free health care, take that money from the rich folks and give it to me! All the white folks should now support every minority living in America, along with any that manage to cross the border. That is the payment for the past and it is only right!
 And then you got this guy Trump. He wants to put America first! OMG He says mean things and hurts people's feelings. He thinks running the government is like running a business, it should be profitable to the shareholders. Yes, those shareholders are you and I, the taxpayers! And there is the fact that he is arrogant, brash, outspoken and a bit of a bully. He does feel a bit entitled because of his wealth and position. Overall, he just isn't a real nice guy. But it needs to be remembered, nice guys finish last. He will make the tough decisions though, for good or bad. There are times when you have to shit or get off the pot! Biden is still sitting on the pot! 
 The trial should serve as a caution to everyone. This is an example of what the founding fathers were concerned about. The legal system is being used to stifle the democratic process. That is all this trial is about, a means to prevent Trump from being on the ballot. No one really cares where the money came from, no one cares who was paid what and no one involved in any of this cares about justice. This is about control and intimidation. Bill Clinton paid out what, 850,000 in a civil lawsuit after exposing himself to Paula Jones. 
 But the media will tell you that's fine, no problem, it was his own money, and it was a civil lawsuit. Did anyone ask, where did Bill Clinton get the 850,000 dollars? No, he just wrote a personal check. It's all good. But Trump paying Stormy Daniels to remain silent is a terrible thing. If Ms. Daniels hadn't broken a legal and binding non-disclosure agreement, we would have never heard about that. She wasn't prosecuted for doing so, her claim being that Trump never signed the agreement. So, if Trump never signed the agreement did he have any knowledge of that? Well according to Cohen, a person proven to be a liar, even went to prison for that, he did. A real trustworthy person there. And then you have an adult film star as another witness. Yes, her moral and ethical character is beyond reproach. 
 Although it certainly reads this way this is not an endorsement of Trump. I'm just stating the facts of the case as I see them. I know, I'll be called a Trumpster, a maga American and all of that. I don't care, makes no difference to me whatsoever. I'm just recording history as it happens from my point of view. What will be written and said twenty years from now will most certainly be different from what is being reported today. Ever hear of Shay's rebellion? it was quite the uprising in its' day, an insurrection! Ever hear of the whiskey rebellion? Another big deal in its' day. Jan 6, Trump, this trial and the election in November will all be written into history. I'm just leaving my view of it. 
 My final thought on all of this is: should Biden get reelected he will be replaced before his term is over. He is not mentally or physically capable of another four years. The job extracts a heavy toll. Should Trump get on the ballot and actually win the election he will never take office. It's my feeling that will not happen unless he is placed inside a protective bubble 24/7. Personally, I think he stands about as much chance as an ice cream cone on a 90-degree day. There is no turning back now, the die is cast. This trial is nothing more than a distraction. 
 Will it be remembered? No, not likely, the public is fickle. Hearing anything about Clinton smashing cell phones, wiping secret servers or any of that mess? What about Epstein and his client list? What of Snowden? Remember when Biden called some folks jig a boos? Nah, old news, an old amusement, let's move on. And that is what this will become. In some history class, sometime in the future, the teacher will say, what it was. What that is has yet to be determined. A turning point in history? Could be, like Shay's rebellion or the whiskey rebellion. Name a famous trial? The scopes trial is probably the most well-known. Before that, the Salem witch trials. This is my account of what it is, have to wait and see what it was. Very often they are quite different things.

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