Monday, May 6, 2024


 Back in October, yes it has been that long, Hamas launched an attack against Israel. It was a surprise attack, hostages taken, people maimed, wounded and killed. Israel, justifiably, so retaliated. As we all know it has been an ongoing conflict ever since that dastardly attack. Today we have college students, in America, protesting all of that and throwing their support behind the Palestinians. The real issue is in identifying just who the real adversaries are. Those in Hamas won't cooperate and wear their uniforms that identify them as terrorists. No, they are mixed in with the population of Gaza and refuse to separate themselves. They are happy to be using those "Palestinians" as human shields. Egypt, neighbor to Gaza refuses to accept refugees from that conflict citing security concerns. Could be some of those Hamas terrorists would come into Egypt too, they are pretty sneaky people you know. Best to be safe.
 But there is this other conflict going on in the world as well. Remember Ukraine? Yes, Ukraine. Back in February of 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine, thousands killed. But that's old news now isn't it. All those college students so concerned with Palestinians surely don't seem a bit concerned about any of that. Guessing they feel alright about that action. Is it because there isn't a religious connotation in all of that? It is mostly Christians fighting other Christians in that conflict, so I guess that's cool. So far, the Biden administration has given about 75 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine. Haven't heard much from those students about any of that. No protesting about any of that. 
 Okay so the main point I keep hearing in all these protests is the religious aspect. The Jews feel that is why they were attacked in the first place, their crime being they are Jewish. Hamas, a radical group of Muslims have stated their mission is to eradicate the Jews, remove them entirely from the map. Hey, it's a part of their religious ideology to do so. That is their justification for doing what they do. Like the Blues Brothers might say, we're on a mission from God. The Jewish people believe the land they currently occupy is the land promised to them by God. It is the same God as the Muslims profess their belief in. Only thing different is the Muslims are following the word of Muhammed! Christians also worship that God, and Jesus is the son of that God. Jesus was speaking for his father. 
 So just what is being protested? That's what I've been trying to figure out. I can't imagine anyone supporting a terrorist attack on another nation. Is there some limit on aggression? Is there some limit on defending yourself? Hamas launched an attack and Israel responded to that attack. Hamas has occupied and has political control over the Gaza strip and has for some time. They are solely responsible for all that has transpired since that attack in October. Until their control over Gaza has been eliminated Israel will not be safe. Unless Hamas agrees to meet Israel forces on a set battleground, like in ages past, to settle this, there will be civilian casualties. 
 There are 22 Arab Nations in the Arab League. Islam is the predominant religion in every one of those nations. I don't see a single one of them attacking Israel, only a faction calling themselves Hamas and Palestinians. Seems to me those Arab Nations should rein in Hamas on their own! Barring that, Israel has no choice but to continue. The security of their nation depends upon that. 
 So just what is this war all about? Is it the Muslims against the Jews? Is that what is being supported with these protests? It sure looks that way to me, although I'm not going to an Ivy League University so what would I know. Hamas has made it clear with their slogan from the river to the sea that their intent is the destruction of Israel. Their reason being Jewish people live there. The Jewish state was formed in 1948 and recognized internationally. Some Muslims didn't agree and want to end that. So, I ask again, what is that is being protested? 
 Yes, I know it is all far more complicated than that. I understand that the scholars and academics will analyze and explain this in history books. What we have here is an emotional response to a military action. Emotions are great motivators but seldom good guides. Wars are emotional! Those not actively engaged in the battle, or personally impacted, can afford to be emotional. That's what protests are all about. Those engaged in the fight have no time for that. After the battle history is written and recorded. That is the time for emotion. If we are protesting the death of innocent people, they are on both sides of the conflict. It isn't only Palestinians being killed. Remember it was Hamas that attacked, took hostages and left Israel with no other option. If you say you wouldn't do the same in response should that happen to you, you are a liar! Your violence during your "protests" are evidence enough of that. Emotions can make us brave or foolish, it all depends upon the outcome, doesn't it?  

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