Sunday, May 12, 2024

always will

 Is the past to blame? It is certainly what I hear all the time from almost every corner of the room. I have to say I'm getting tired of it. I have done quite a bit of research into my family tree and learned of some of their trials and tribulations. Yes, I have ancestors that weren't treated fairly by the world, that suffered setbacks, discrimination, and apparently some people just didn't like them. All of that I deduced from newspaper clippings, old documents and stories told in the family. And you know what, not one of those things has ever prevented me from doing or being whatever I wanted. My current condition, or position in life and in society is solely my doing. I'm responsible for that. 
 I can place no blame on what happened outside of my control last year or two hundred years ago. It also doesn't make me entitled to anything that may have been denied to them. I can't expect back wages or compensation from an ancestor! The wrongs that were committed against them have nothing to do with today. None of that is an excuse for today. My parents decided to sell their home. It was theirs to do with as they pleased. I have no business complaining I should have inherited that; I was cheated out of my inheritance. If they had given me that house I would be living there today. My grandparents were also landowners, but I got nothing. 
 We hear about those playing the race card and that is a common enough thing and a real thing. But that has now been extended to include anything and everything from history that is conceived as being wrong today. And sadly, today religion has once again been interjected into all of that. The Jewish people are being attacked once again. Their crime is in defending themselves too vigorously. That is what is being protested isn't it? Sure, they were attacked, ambushed really, men women and children killed and taken captive. But their response is too cruel, they should exercise restraint, ask the individuals if they are combatants before fighting back? 
 The Palestinians, whoever they are supposed to be and there is no clear definition for that, claiming the land belongs to them. Their claim stretches back thousands of years. How ridiculous is that. Guess what, the Jewish people were present in the area that is now known as Palestine thousands of years ago. In fact, DNA analysis shows that the Jews and Palestinians stem from the same family. Historically it could be claimed the Jews were there first! But the past is past. It really is as simple as that. Land, and the occupation of that land has always depended upon conquest. It doesn't matter how you feel about that, it is the reality proven out throughout history. 
 The past may explain why we are where we are today. The past is there to learn from. But in all this time man still retains one thing, his willingness to fight to gain whatever he wants. Peace may be negotiated but peace never lasts. Animosity will always remain. Attempts to change the past will occur and always with the same result, more animosity. Ask yourself one question. Who rules? It is always the one with the biggest club! When all the talk is done, that is how things get settled. Always has, always will. Then the defeated will complain about the past. Occasionally David will defeat Goliath. Nothing is ever truly equal. That state doesn't exist for a basic reason, someone always feels superior to another. All that is required is a way to prove it. If all else fails, I just eliminate you altogether. I'm the winner. 
 You can't defeat the past! You can repeat it, but you can't beat it or change it. The outcome will always remain the same. Every generation has dreamed of a world without warfare, violence and conquest. Each generation following ours will do the same. History will repeat itself. Always has, always will.      

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