Thursday, May 2, 2024


  Got up as usual this morning and turned on the computer. Check my e-mail, same spam, scam and junk as always. Then it's off to Facebook to post my morning salutation. It's a routine I have fallen into over the years. We humans are creatures of habit after all. There is some comfort in routine. Perhaps that is one of the reasons the military lifestyle wasn't all that offensive to me. I did find it rather easy, just do as you're told and don't overthink it. In the Navy, and I suspect all the other branches as well, what we called The Plan of the Day was published and it was exactly what it said it was. Do this at this time, be here at this time, and a few notifications. At least, that was the plan.
 This morning the first thing I notice is a notification that an old family friend is celebrating his birthday. Happy Birthday Dave! If the information is correct, you can't be sure about Facebook, he is 81. That means he is only ten years older than myself. Strange, all those years ago when I knew him, I thought he was older. Well, it is like I always say, when you are a kid, a few years makes a big difference. I think I was sixteen when I bought an old outboard from Dave, but I thought he was an old guy then, he was 26. It's been fifty three years since I last saw Dave. It's the first time I knew when his birthday is. 
 Then I went to my page, if that is what you call it. The first thing I read there is about a classmate of mine, the class of '71. The news is his father has passed away at the age of 98. A good long life and much he could be proud of. I can't say I knew him and ever met him in person. You know how it is when you are a kid in school. You know the other kids but may not ever meet their parents. Back in my day we tried to avoid the parents as much as possible. Parents always had something that needed to be done and could ruin your plans. The best plan was to stay out of sight. Still even though I didn't know him personally it hurt my heart a little to hear that news. I suppose it is a bit selfish as I was reminded of the loss of my own dad thirty four years ago. In all of these thing's time does seem to be compacted. It does seem like all of that was just a little while ago.
 I see the Facebook meme's about that frequently, the clever little statements and all. The ones like, someone said a few years ago and I thought they meant 1993, now I need to lie down. It is really that way and I do believe you have to be old enough to really understand that. When I "see" my classmates on Facebook they look exactly like they did in 1971; until I look at their profile pictures! As for myself, all I have to do is look in the mirror. There are things that jar you a bit. Just the other day I saw one of my classmates proudly declaring she is a great grandmother. Wait a minute, a great grandmother, how could that be? Then I looked at the years and thought, oh, yeah, alright. 
 I am reminded. I'm a fan of the tv show The Waltons. I enjoyed the wholesomeness of the show. It's a fantasy I know that. Still there was an episode where the Baldwin sisters had planned a big party, a final celebration as they called it with all their friends of the past. Sadly, none came as the majority of the invitees had passed away or where out of touch. But the Waltons; along with most of the other characters in that mythical place saved the day and arrived in time to celebrate with those ladies. The sisters give a speech that sums it all up nicely. Ellen Corbey, the lady that played Grandma is credited with writing the final episode. She wrote:" If we can make some sense out of life and look at it with wonder and amazement and leave some record of it behind, for others to follow us, then we will have made a contribution, and it has all been worth it." I agree with those sentiments. Our time here is compacted into brief moments and memories. 

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