Friday, May 3, 2024


  Well, got up this morning and opened up Facebook as usual. First thing I see is a notification from Facebook that my post has been removed. It violated community standards! Wait, what post? Turns out it is the link to my blog. On May 1, I posted "Loyalty" that's the title of the blog followed by the web address ( That's it, that's the whole post. I clicked on a number of things in an attempt to understand why that had been removed, what standard had I broken. I read where I was accused of attempting to gather likes by misleading people. Their technology spotted this and removed it! Strange how their technology never catches any of the hundreds of "friend" requests I get and how they are trying to mislead me. So, I reported it back and requested a review. I'm told they will get back to me on that. 
 I'm guessing their technology is some sort of algorithm or possibly AI. How that tech could find a single word like Loyalty going against some community standard I can't imagine. I wonder did that technology click on the link and read my blog? I highly doubt that and even then, I can't find anything in my blog that would go against any standard, at least not that particular one. If you don't click on the link, you don't see the blog anyway so, isn't it caveat emptor? Apparently not on Facebook where the "state" will protect you from such a radical idea as remaining loyal. 
 So, the Facebook police are still active and watching. Perhaps as it is getting closer to election time, we wouldn't want anyone to remain loyal. I'm guessing Facebook figures that isn't such a good thing. No, the current narrative is change. Rather flattering if I think about it in that way. If their technology figures my opinion would influence the masses and should be removed, I must be a dangerous man. Last year I was placed in Facebook jail a few times, I've got a record with the Facebook community standards police! Got me feeling like Billy the Kid. 
 But I will say it again, it is their platform and I'm the one choosing to use it, free of charge. I have to follow the rules whether I agree with them or not. It is their prerogative to remove, block or delete anything they want as long as I'm not paying to have it posted there. There is no constitutional right to freedom of speech on a social media platform! I did find it amusing that one of the restrictions is an attempt to gain likes. Isn't that what everyone posts their stuff for? When posting a picture or an achievement isn't that the hope, others will like it? I can honestly say I have never posted anything hoping others would be offended, hate it, and leave disparaging remarks about me. I have posted things knowing others will not agree with my opinion and having a reasonable belief that would be the case. Maybe Facebook could add a hate button. But I guess gathering hates would be wrong as well. 
 I'll keep on writing my blogs. I'll keep on posting the title and a link to read that blog on my Facebook pages. But all things in moderation I suppose. I'm being monitored and moderated! I did include a disclaimer on my blog postings, over to the right of it. Caveat Emptor readers, Caveat Emptor. 

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