Wednesday, May 1, 2024


   I was out and about and wearing my Yankees tee shirt. Living in Maryland I often hear comments about that. I'm quite used to all of that as I've always worn my Yankees gear wherever I go. With the way the world is changing I'm not certain I would wear it at Fenway, discretion being the part of valor and all. But in my way of thinking it speaks of loyalty, something I fear we are losing in this 21st century world. 
  As a young guy I chose the New York Yankees as my team. Yes, being from New York it was a rather obvious choice. They have always had the best team money could buy, and I offer no apologies for that. Every team has the best players that they can afford. The larger the market the more funds available. Nothing personal just business. Throughout the years with all the ups and downs I have remained a loyal fan. I've known others to change teams as often as I change my socks. I've noticed they are generally the same people that change friends, music, clothing styles and political views depending upon popular opinion. In short, they aren't usually very loyal people. They are quick to abandon anything and everything for an immediate satisfaction.
 I have noticed that this is becoming a prevailing attitude these days. Out with the old and in with the new. The narrative is one of change. It's always about change. The times have changed. No, time has remained exactly the same, people have changed. I hear these arguments all the time. Yes, that is what it says but that isn't what it means. The meaning has changed. No, the meaning hasn't changed, just your understanding of the topic has changed. The right to bear arms means exactly that. It doesn't mean some arms or specific arms. It doesn't mean I need permission, that is the permission. Perhaps it's just my perception, I haven't done any fact checking on this, but marriages don't appear to last nearly as long as it did in the last century. Divorces are almost certainly far easier to obtain than in years past. I'm rather surprised there isn't a drive up for that, they have it for marriages. It certainly isn't a surprise or shock to anyone anymore, not like years ago. All that is filed under the blanket term, stigma. 
 There is no disgrace in failure. Hear that one all the time as justification for all manner of behaviors. I just say do stupid things and you get stupid results. The objective is always to succeed, not to fail. I don't think of it as a disgrace if I fail, good thing too because I fail often, but I do my best to not let others know about that. I don't wear my failures as badges of entitlement. Failure is more often my fault than the fault of another and so I remain loyal to others and to myself. I was raised with this motto, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I wasn't raised to blame others for my shortcomings. I was also taught that the world doesn't revolve around me, what I want, or what I like. No, I was taught to just stick with it.

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