Monday, May 20, 2024


  I have never seen Goodfellas. I assume it is a movie or maybe a tv series I really don't know which. Whatever it is I saw a meme on Facebook with a screenshot from that television issuing a warning about watching that program. The warning was you might get offended. Apparently, this show depicts real life people, in real life situations, acting like real people do. Stereotypes, language and not being inclusive! Yes, it all sounds pretty upsetting alright I had best not watch that I guess, I may get triggered! 
  I do recall back in 1968 when the movie industry voluntarily began putting ratings on their movies. This system was to provide guidance to parents about what content may be in the movie. Yes, parents were expected to pay attention and decide what content they wanted their children exposed to. The warnings weren't for the adults, it was thought adults could handle that stuff on their own. Adults would simply walk out of the theatre if they didn't like the movie. In 1984 the PG-13 rating was introduced to help parents make a decision as to the content they wanted their children to see. Then there was R, which contained suggestive scenes and some nudity! 
 Of course, that was back in the day when we didn't give five-year-old children a choice about their gender or their sexual preferences. It was back in a time when parents thought their children shouldn't be exposed to adult themes. The reasoning was quite simple really, they were children. A child's mind is not equipped to handle adult themes, it takes some seasoning, some experience and guidance in that area. It is what was called "parenting" which has been replaced with "caregiving" and playdates. The parent may or may not be involved in any of that. It all depends upon what is most convenient for them, for their quality of life. Today those ratings exist but have certainly changed and have been relaxed a great deal. Yes, I know, it is a changing world with new and progressive sensibilities. Don't be a square! 
  I was amused when I saw that warning. Just who was it aimed at? It is apparently focused upon those that may be triggered, upset by reality. From what little I have gathered about this Goodfellas thing it is a crime family, mobsters, the mob, the mafia or some such thing. I don't think it is a show about progressive and liberal values in the world today. The warning said it contained stereotypes! You mean like the Indians in all those old westerns. You mean like Irish people in the movies, or black people or cowboys? Those kinds of stereotypes? I sure have a lot to be offended by if that is the case! And language? Do these criminal types use coarse or offensive terms? Do they call other people by degrading or insulting names? I hope not, that certainly would be upsetting. Not only that that warning hinted at violence! Man, I had better not be watching that.
  Are we now going to include a warning on everything in a film or tv show that may offend someone? What is the warning actually for? Lots of films and movies I haven't seen. Maybe it is a good thing otherwise I might be traumatized and need mental health services. Lots of things in movies and on tv that I don't like and don't care to watch. My usual reaction to that is, I turn the channel. That's it, enough of that crap! I was caught off guard, without warning, should I sue someone?
  I have, in my seventy years, seen a proliferation of warnings. Warnings like, caution! hot coffee may be hot and don't use electrical tools while standing in water, don't put an aluminum ladder on electrical wires, and only take medication as directed by your physician. Warning putting a plastic bag over your head may cause suffocation. Warning food coming out of the microwave will be hot! And the ever-present warning, don't try this at home, this should only be attempted by a trained professional! And now a warning that something may offend me. I was offended by the warning. It didn't say anything about whether it was suitable for children, it said I might get offended. I was. 

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