Wednesday, May 15, 2024

are you daft?

  I was having a brief discussion with an unnamed person online. As often happens I was remarking about one thing while this person returns with remarks about Trump. Later on in the discussion I was told I was supporter of Trump although I hadn't said so. But an assumption was made based on my political leanings. I believe in a free market, ie: capitalism. To my utter surprise this person was advocating for socialism. I was asked, what is wrong with socialism. My response was simply, everything is wrong with socialism. You only need to read Karl Marx to understand that. Besides the ownership of private property Marx wanted to abolish, the family, individuality, nations, and the past. You own nothing, you are nothing, you don't belong to any nation and the past doesn't exist. There is only today and what you can do to benefit the state. 
 I admit I was astounded. This person was in actuality born and raised in America. Her parents and grandparents fled to this country to escape Hitler and his political party. The name of that political party being, the National Socialist German Workers Party. And there you have it, socialism! And now this person is advocating for socialism. Has nothing been learned? This person fearing that Trump will become another Hitler? And how is that going to happen? I expect she also fears the "maga" republicans. Those folks that wish to make America great again, will rise up and vote! Then when the votes are honestly and fairly counted Trump may win reelection. 
 We are supposed to remain what, Mediocre? Just another nation in the world like all others. Well, if you believe in socialism that is exactly what you would want, I suppose. After all, everyone gets the same, is the same and should remain the same. There is no room for excellence in a socialist society. You get the same whether you contribute or not! No place for individual accomplishment.
 Now I get it, the word socialism has changed in meaning and intent. Those advocating for socialism will tell you that they aren't supporting the socialism of Karl Marx, no not that kind of socialism. This is a new, kinder, more inclusive and diverse form of social reform. It's still democracy, it's socialist democracy. They leave out the fact that we are a Republic so as not to expose the lie. For me it is the same as calling abortion on demand healthcare. Yes, there are instances, rare and extraordinary, that may require that medical procedure to save a life but labeling it healthcare, supported and paid for by the taxpayers, isn't healthcare. It is a social program. The individual isn't important. 
 Democratic socialism. That is what Bernie Sanders first talked about. That is what he advocates for. But exactly what is that? It is an oxymoron, that's what it is. You can't have both. Now many political scholars will tell you the United States actually has a representative democracy, and not a republic. That at least makes sense. In a republic our representatives are elected or appointed through a democratic process. Not a straight democracy however, not a democracy of simple majority rules, that is the republic part. That exists to protect the rights of the minority. Socialism does not recognize a minority in any way. There is only one class of people, socialists. Everyone is the same, everyone gets the same and no one is exempt. You just stay in your lane! That's socialism. 
 I wonder what the founding fathers would have to say about all of that. Did they imagine that the citizens may exercise their vote to destroy the republic fought for and won at such a high price? Ten amendments were added to the constitution in 1791. By then a great deal of the initial fervor and excitement had died down. Cooler heads were beginning to prevail. It was noted that certain rights needed to be delineated to ensure the Republic function as was intended. Those first ten amendments were to ensure the rights of the people! They are the vanguard against socialism. What was the last amendment to the constitution? It was the 27th which deals with congressional salaries. It took an astounding 202 years, 7 months and twelve days for that amendment to be ratified! James Madison first proposed that amendment as a method to prevent congress from simply voting themselves increases whenever they felt like it. What would Monroe have to say to Bernie Sanders? Democratic Socialism? Are you daft man? 

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