Wednesday, May 8, 2024


  I read where the Boy Scouts of America is no more. The news is it underwent a name change now calling itself, Scouting America. After 115 years it no longer exists. Haven't heard if the Girl Scouts have any plans to change their name. Perhaps it will just be a merger and collectively be called Scouting America. The Boy scouts reported enrollment down by 30%. That came as no surprise to me. Figured that would happen when they decided to admit girls to the boys scouts. Boys can't join the girl scouts though last time I checked on that. The girl scouts' official position being girls will thrive in a gender specific environment. Curiously they do say they will accept those that identify as girls but that doesn't include males that identify as girls. Only girls that identify as girls.
 Now I don't have an issue with any of that. Makes sense in fact. If you are going to allow both genders to join the club calling it a Boys club isn't accurate, it's like calling Bruce Jenner a woman! So, it is past time for a name change to reflect all of that. Scouting America is just fine with me but does that include all the hyphenated Americans? The name doesn't suggest that so perhaps it needs a tweak. Maybe they should just change to Scouting. You know, leave out the America part so as not to seem discriminatory to other nationalities. I was never a boy scout myself but have heard the code they have to take. I wonder if that has changed as well. Last I knew you took a pledge to God and country. Pretty touchy stuff these days, God and patriotism. Have to be careful about that. I also read where Boys Life magazine is now Scout Life. 
 The Boy Scouts went bankrupt at one point. They had to pay out an 850-million-dollar lawsuit. We all heard about that. Today the membership is just over a million with 176,000 being girls. Back in 2013 the Boy Scouts began allowing gay youth. In 2015 they ended their ban of gay adults being leaders. 2017 they allowed girls to join. Now the name has been changed altogether, no mention of boys. So, that means to me there are no more Boys Scouts of America. Seems a shame in a way. The girl scouts initially tried to sue the boy scouts for allowing girls to join. But a judge ruled that anyone could use the terms scout or scouting. The girl scouts arguing it created marketplace confusion and hurt their recruiting efforts. I agree with that, it does cause confusion when girls are in an organization called the boy scouts. Maybe that is simply because I'm not confused about which is which. 
 I get it. This organization is trying to remain viable in today's world. The product does have to change with the desires of the consumers. It does cost a lot of money to have the scouts. Scouting America should attempt a merger with the girl scouts and combine forces. The agenda today being everything should be unisex. We are being taught that everyone is the same, men, women, or any number of other "identities" are acceptable. I just view the whole deal as the moral degradation of a nation.
  I'm amazed that so many people can be convinced to just ignore reality altogether and operate in some fantasy world. Seems to me the majority of those following that agenda claim to have some form of higher education. My thinking is, they must figure I paid for it, it must be good. And there is no doubt our colleges and universities are teaching this stuff! Today some are asking for forgiveness of the loan, and I can't blame them, the product is junk. 
 Rather ironic isn't it. So, RIP Boy Scouts of America you have been replaced. It will be official in February of 2025. It was renamed Scouts BSA in 2018. Now the name will become Scouting America. The SA isn't the best acronym to have attached to your organization. Or have we all forgotten about all of that. Perhaps a review of history is in order and reconsidering that name is appropriate. Perhaps the Non-Binary Youth League Identifying As Scouts. Then it could be called the NBYIAS. Just a suggestion. Personally, I think it is all BS.     

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