Friday, May 24, 2024


  As I mentioned in a previous blog the dirt bike riders have returned to the streets of Baltimore. The mayor was at a press conference regarding this issue talking about enforcement policies and procedures. What struck me was in responding to a news reporters' questions he snapped back rather angrily. You have to understand that not all those dirt bike riders are teenagers, some are grown men, adults aged forty years old! If you don't know that, you need to understand dirt bike culture. Yes, illegally riding a dirt bike in the city streets, creating hazardous conditions for everyone is now a culture. 
 He didn't come right out and say so, but what culture is he talking about? We all know, although we aren't supposed to say so, he is talking about inner city residents, predominately blacks. That is the culture he is eluding too. So, I hear the mayor of a major city publicly saying black culture involves illegal activities. He can say that because he is a black man. If a white mayor made any such statement he would be run out of town on a rail! But this mayor can say that, it's fine, because it's a cultural thing. He defends all that by saying, they don't have anything else to do, nowhere else to go. The city should be providing services and a place for them to ride their dirt bikes. 
 We'll just overlook the fact that the majority of them, by far, have been stolen and resold in some back alley. He does brag about how many the police force have confiscated, and they are looking for more! He talks about his enforcement policy. The gas stations in the city will be fined for selling gas to a dirt bike rider. The police will be keeping a close eye on that. I'm certain none of those people will carry a gas can to the station to purchase a few gallons for their bike, nah, they won't do that. Just fine the gas station owner and soon the gas supply dries up! Yeah, that should work. 
 The police have a no chase policy to keep everyone safe. Mostly those riding the illegal bikes while fleeing the police, can't have them getting injured. All the other citizens just driving their cars and trucks going to work or wherever being endangered by the dirt bikes isn't an issue. The mayor himself says, well what can you do? It's a cultural thing. Heck it's a part of Baltimore we should all be taking pride in. It's like a seasonal thing, like crabs and barbecue. A part of the culture of Baltimore. Yup, riding stolen dirt bikes in the city is a cultural thing alright.
 Now I realize I am a white guy, old and cranky. I understand I enjoy all this privilege. I get it, I'm not a part of black culture. I know there isn't much for kids, and apparently adults according to the mayor, for them to do. High paying jobs where you don't have to show up for work are hard to come by. It's a cultural thing you know, this lack of employment. It's systemic! But I just got to say I sure am tired of hearing the "it's a cultural thing" excuse. Engaging in illegal activities is never a cultural thing! It's true that some cultures may practice illegal traditions or practices, but it isn't a part of the American culture. No, in fact, the American culture has always been geared toward law and order. 
 If you are breaking the law, it is not a cultural thing! You don't get a free pass for that. You don't get to just do as you please and call it a cultural thing. It doesn't matter what color you are, what nationality you claim, what ethnic group you identify with or anything else. Culture is not an excuse for lawless behavior! And for the Mayor of a major United States City to proclaim such is just ridiculous. Gotta say, if I were a black leader in Baltimore I would be outraged and call him out on that. Just what are you trying to say Mayor? It's okay, it's what we do, it's our culture. The Mafia has a culture too, is that okay? The drug dealers have their culture, is that okay? I identify as an old west lawman, it's my culture, is that okay? Everyone gets a pass because, well, it's our culture.   

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