Sunday, May 5, 2024

The mission

  I sure wish we could all just focus on being the same instead of celebrating our differences. But we don't and we won't because we all want to be something different, something special, something unique. We have been told that since we were little children in some misguided attempt at bolstering our awareness of self. That's what all these experts have to say anyway. The latest line is being empowered. You have to be empowered. That makes you somehow different, a little better than the others don't it. That's what they want you to believe anyway. I mean you're not supposed to say that out loud, give any indication that you feel that way, not if you're empowered, you're not. No, you are better than that and everyone else.
 The truth of the matter is we are in in this together. Another truth is some of us are rowing the boat while others are not. If you're not helping, get out of the boat! That's the way I feel about that. I'm really not interested in hearing a lot of excuses. And that is what all this "diversity" is centering on, the excuses. I can't: because. I 've heard that a great deal in my life. Heard that whenever someone was looking for an explanation for not having done something they should. That's when it wasn't blamed on someone or something else, like the dog ate my homework. I wanted to join the service, but I couldn't, I tried to get a waiver and everything, but I couldn't. We all know you didn't want to join so just say that. 
 All I hear about today are communities. There is a string of letters, acronyms and groupings to define our communities. I've yet to hear of the American community! That is the community I grew up with.   We were all Americans first and foremost. Yes, we were all well aware that everyone was created equal but weren't necessarily treated equally. I've seen a great deal of improvement in that regard since I was a kid. The civil rights act of 1964 jumps off the pages of history as a testament to that ideal. 
 Yes, it could be argued it took 188 years for that to be codified into the law, but the important fact is that it did. Better late than never. Equal opportunity isn't a guarantee of equal results! Another lesson we were taught by the greatest generation by example. That is all they wanted back then, a chance. Far different from today where the demand is for the result! And when they don't get that result, they look to place blame elsewhere. Usually it is because their "community" is being "marginalized" by society. Hey, you all are the society! That's what I'm talking about. You really aren't all that different from everyone else, you don't have "trump" cards in the deck you really do have to play the cards that are dealt. And understand this, whatever "assignment" you got at birth, is the assignment, you don't get to change that.
 Our nation has always been made up a diverse population. Whether or not those "immigrants" came to this land by choice or not, they have been here since the beginning. The objective was to become an America, to be a member of the American community with all the opportunity, all the chances everyone else has. Remembering their ancestors and preserving their customs and traditions has always been allowed, indeed, respected by us Americans. Churches and Synagogues have always been a part of the landscape. In 1923 the first Mosque opened in America. All have been free to practice their faith. We even have holidays celebrating other cultures! Still all that diversity was put in the proverbial pot, the melting pot that is America. And that is what we need to focus upon once again, being Americans. 
 You know you can talk about it forever. You can say whatever you like and spin it anyway you want. The simple fact remains, people with too many differences just don't get along. There are instances where just one difference can cause the same animosity between communities. Commonality makes communities. It also makes nations! You can't have a nation without its' citizens sharing a commonality of purpose. 
 "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."  That is the common purpose we should be focused upon! It doesn't need to be rewritten, it doesn't require any revisions or addendums. That document is the mission statement. 

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