Friday, May 31, 2024

It's a caution

  In my continuing social commentary, I find myself saddened and disturbed. The verdict came in after just eleven hours of deliberation. I had held out hope that the justice system would work as designed, that it hadn't been tainted. That proved to be wrong. It's obvious this jury just bowed down to the popular view, to what the social pressure dictated. I really had hoped it would be a hung jury, a no decision. I wasn't praying for a not guilty, I wasn't pinning any hopes on that, but I was hoping for a fair and unbiased review of the facts. That didn't happen and is a reflection of what is happening in America today. The Republic is slipping through our fingers. It should be a sad day for all Americans but I'm already seeing the cheers from the left! The objective was to keep Trump off the ballot, and this is a step in that direction. We are in uncharted waters. I'm certain all the constitutional scholars on social media will provide clarification.
 I am viewing this from a social perspective. Politics to me is just a matter of discussion and speculation on my part. I do get to cast my vote and that is the extent of my political involvement. I campaign for no one, I don't simply vote the party line, I vote for the individual that most agrees with my thoughts. Oh, I won't deny I have conservative views and lean in that direction heavily. As a result, I often find the Republican candidates align with my thoughts. But what concerns me more is the overall approach a candidate takes. Can't agree with everything anyone says, I even argue with myself! And this trial was influenced by social pressure just as surely as the sun comes up in the morning. The jury was not unbiased, the Judge was not unbiased, and the prosecutor was most certainly not unbiased. It was obvious to anyone listening.
 A judicial proceeding has been used as a weapon. The founding fathers warned all of us about this happening. It's what the first amendment is really all about and the reason for the second as well. The reality is the charges were based in; shall we call it creative bookkeeping. Yes, it very well may have contained some criminal intent, some practices and procedures prohibited by law. It is also equally probable that if Trump wasn't running for office those charges would have never been brought to a jury trial at all. The probability being a fine from the IRS or some other such agency. If there was a crime it was a crime on paper only, no one was damaged in any way. The act of paying "hush money" which is the colloquial term for a Non-Disclosure Agreement isn't a crime at all. The recipient of that money declared, Trump never signed the agreement. 
 Now I'm certainly no legal expert of any kind, but if the document isn't signed you are not responsible for whatever the document contains. That's my understanding of it anyway. If I sign for a loan, I am certainly legally responsible for repaying that loan. Should the lender give me the cash without having me sign the document, I am not legally responsible for repayment. Where is the legal proof that Trump paid the money? There is no signed document that proves that. That according to Stormy Daniels herself! Yet 34 charges were levied against Trump, a trial held. And I am supposed to believe that it was a fair and unbiased. Testimony was given by a witness that the judge instructs the jury to not believe. The judge told the jury you can't convict the accused based on his testimony! The reality being the whole case hinged on that testimony! Why was he even allowed to testify? He's a liar, we know for a fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a liar, but here is his testimony, you just can't listen to it! Seems fair enough.
 Well, we'll see how all this works out. I'll continue my social commentary on the proceedings as they unfold from my point of view. It is obvious to me and should be obvious to everyone that this trial was conducted with only one purpose in mind. The purpose was to keep Trump off the ballot. That's it. That was the sole reason. It had nothing to do with anything else. According to some legal scholars weighing in this will not accomplish that as there is no prohibition about a felon running for office. We are back into the "high crimes and misdemeanors" wording. The legal scholars are saying his conviction is a low level crime according to sentencing guidelines. Maybe it is a misdemeanor, but Trump isn't being impeached, he's running for office. Sentencing is next. That could be delayed and most likely will. It's a big mess for the country in general and should serve as a caution to every American. It is another step towards "government" rule, not we the people. The Republic is slipping away. 
 Regardless of your feelings regarding Trump this should serve as a caution. We must not allow this to become a precedent. We all know the sole purpose of this trial. You may be happy, your side won. They got their conviction. I get it, you don't care you are just ecstatic, it's a great victory. A victory for what though?  You think it was you that gained the victory because you agree, you simply hate and abhor Trump. It wasn't you; it was the political powers that gained that victory. Those same powers can and will turn on you just as quickly and with the same malice. Only the ballot box can prevent that. You are celebrating that your vote has been taken away! Your voice was silenced. Went your way this time, what about the next time? Careful what you ask for. It makes no difference what political party wields the power at any given moment, it is how they are allowed to wield that power that matters. That is what the Constitution is all about.   

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