Saturday, July 23, 2022

think about it

 What do you do, for you? It's a question that can be difficult to answer. I know it is for me. I write these daily essays and explanations in the hope that the future will enjoy them. I suppose you could say that is for me. I really don't believe they are anything more than an amusement to others. Sometimes I like to think they are insightful and provide some food for thought, that they are meaningful. But that is a value I don't get to assign. I do it for me. We all want validation and I'm no exception to the rule when it comes to that. It's part of the reason I do things for others. I think it is part of the reason we all do things for others. Feels good to hear a thank you, receive a little praise for a job well done. Doing for others is a self-satisfying thing. That's true even when you get paid to do it. We disguise that as taking pride in our work. Sometimes we do the same work in our off time and call that our hobby. Then we admit we are doing it for ourselves. 
 It's a funny thing. When I was growing up it was our deeds that were measured and admired. It was the things we did for others that received the emphasis. To concentrate on things for yourself was called being selfish or self-centered. None of that was a good thing. Somewhere along the way, that attitude has shifted somewhat. Self-care it is being called. Do not be concerned with others, be concerned with your wants and needs first. The thinking today is becoming, make yourself happy without regard for others, their thoughts, their needs or wishes. Your rights supersede others. 
 That attitude is tied into religious belief. All religions have at least one thing in common, the promise of a reward. Whether that reward is eternal life or another chance at living, the promise is a reward for following the instructions. All religions instruct us on how to treat one another. Religion seeks to establish a moral base. Morality establishes equality. In fact, morality is the only enforcement of equality that there is. It's a personal thing, enforced by yourself. Governments attempt to codify moral conduct calling it law. The reward for compliance being not being punished. Really the same as what religion promises except with the law the punishment is immediate. 
 What I do for me, should be done for others. That's the message I was told. I was told that by the others. The reward would come later on, as long as I believed it would. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Others certainly appreciate it, that much is true. Well, most people do anyway, there are always the users. Nothing is absolute. Well except for death that is, that is certain. What we don't know is what happens after that. The only control we have over that eventuality is what we do here on earth. That's the message. Do unto others is a Christian doctrine. The lesson? Please others and you will please yourself. That's because you will be doing what you want done to you. The only issue being getting others to want what you want. You can't do it for yourself! You have to do it for others. What are you doing for yourself? The question isn't as east to answer as you think, if you think about it. 

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