Sunday, July 24, 2022

the parental state

 The parental state. That's what I think our government is going to become if things don't change. It certainly seems that is what a great number of people are proposing these days. There is to be no self-accountability, only accountability to the state. And by the state, I mean law. This extends from business all the way down to the individual. That change is evident if you look. Take a close look at the manner of lawsuits being filed these days. A great many involve placing the blame. It's true that what lawsuits have always been about, holding the responsible party accountable, but where is the blame being placed today? Mostly on inanimate objects, manufacturers and some vague claims of inequity. And the thing is, like a doting parent, the state is now insisting that you are not at fault, someone else is. If you have a mental issue, commit a serious crime, that's probably because you didn't receive mental health services before you needed those mental health services. It's not your fault at all, it is the fault of the system. Your "parent" failed you. The "system" failed you. 
 I listen daily as the news is broadcast. The increase in crime, deadly shootings, corruption in government, and the proposals for dealing with all that. The proposals don't include punishment for wrongdoing, no, the proposals are for reward. Well because people are going to break the law anyway. If we strike that law from the books, then there will be less crime. If we remove every weapon, then weapons can't be used. It isn't the people; it is the law that is at fault! It's the "system" that needs to change, to become more lenient and understanding. The "system" should be better parents. Well, popular parents is closer to the truth. You know, those parents that just allow you to do whatever and then bail you out when you get in trouble. 
 That is the "parental" state. There are those that are completely satisfied with that lifestyle. They are happy living in their parents' basement being dependent upon that. They have a litany of excuses and reasons for that. They borrowed money and have to pay it back. They can't find a job that pays them what they demand. They have "issues" with social anxiety and personality disorders. It's not their fault, never is. And with all of that they should be treated equally. Equality means I have everything you have. It doesn't mean I should have to work as hard as you though, I shouldn't have to do equal work, just receive equal benefits. The government (my parents) should provide for me. It should be free. 
  Yes, parents should lecture you occasionally, after all they earned that right, but they shouldn't punish you. That would be child abuse. You can't hold children accountable, and remember parents will tell you, you are always their child. So that means you should never be punished. No, you get a lecture and an admonishment to do better next time. It wasn't really your fault anyway; it was a failure on your parents' part. They didn't tell you, there was no warning label! The "parental" state failed to prepare you properly! Somebody should sue. Someone beside you should be held accountable!             

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