Friday, July 22, 2022

mean tweets

 I guess we will have to wait for the new season of Jan 6 to see the next episodes. The Democrats wrapped up this season last night. I didn't watch. How long can they carry on with this? The new episodes will be out just prior to the mid-terms of that you can be certain. Maybe a few teasers in between but the main event not until September. They need time to find some new sponsors and witnesses. Perhaps a few secret witnesses as well, brought up from the basement, remaining completely anonymous. Kept as secret as the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop and Maxwell's client list. 
 In other news the Dems are busy trying to codify same sex marriage, abortions, and any other controversial topic you can name. It's a full court press to satisfy the demands of the extreme left. It is an all-out attempt to secure the vote at any cost. The only concern being the retention of power, no concern for America or the American people. Even as these same people are being strangled by high prices and even higher crime rates the thinking is, they will vote for us if we just give them what they want. 
 Create a dependence and then cash in on that. That's the plan. You won't have a choice! Not if we can make it law. You will support those that either refuse to work, aren't able to function because of their drug and alcohol use, can't work because they aren't in the country legally, or any other reason for that matter. The jail doors will be thrown open and the criminals turned loose. No matter, by that time the fence will be a fortress protecting the capital. Only "authorized" people will be allowed to have arms.
 Have you noticed? This administration priorities have been what? First and foremost, to vilify Trump. Trump, the big evil orange man that sent out mean tweets. The man that was going to get us in a war! The man that made America energy independent! Talk about losing your sponsors! You can't cut them out of the profits and expect their backing, can you? Did you see the reception Biden received on his trip to Saudi Arbia? Did you see the reception Trump received? Quite a stark contrast wasn't there. Why was that? It's simple really. If you want to do business, do it with a businessman, not a puppet. And that was the whole problem with Trump. He was concerned with the business of government, not feelings. Diplomacy in business is quite different than diplomacy for political gain. With one the implied action is, I will kick your *ss and in the other I will kiss you *ss. 
  It takes a firm hand on the reins. That's an old adage that explains a few things. You can't be limp wristed, weak and afraid. Yeah, you might have to use the lash on occasion, just to let the team know you're in charge. Right now, with this administration there is serious doubt. Just who is in charge? Is it really Joe Biden? No, he is just there for show. He will do as he is told, read the teleprompter as faithfully as he is able, and wander off if not watched closely. Joe doesn't even know where the wagon is supposed to be going! Just what is the agenda of the Democrats? Ask yourself that and give yourself an honest answer. If you do that, you will be concerned. You will be if you care about the next generation(s) and what America will become. Just what are the Democrats doing for America? That's the question. Not minorities, not equity, not you, not for me, but for America. America is worth the fight. And yes, mean tweets too.   

1 comment:

  1. It will go on until the witnesses (mainly Republicans, by the way) stop volunteering to bring their stories to the Committee....and when the bottom of Trump's barrel of corruption is fully revealed. If you watched, you'd know that the next episode of the hearings will take place in Sept (as of now) and will go right through until the evidence has all been seen. Don't watch, keep your head in that sandpit. You won't like what you see any more than you are liking whatever you 'think' you know, but it would be worthwhile for you to hear the truth and facts for a change.
