Saturday, July 9, 2022

detriments or attributes?

 Are our mistakes now attributes? It seems that way to me at times listening to these politicians. A lady running for Governor of Maryland begins her pitch with, when I was nineteen, I was pregnant and became a single mother. She goes on to list her accomplishments since that time, an impressive list and something to be proud of. But the thing that stuck out was the admission of her pregnancy and being a single mother. Is that now an attribute? 
 Now I realize we all make mistakes. I also understand she overcame that handicap, it was a handicap wasn't it, to become a success. She is to be commended for that. It is just that I'm getting confused by all of this. I begin by listing all my mistakes, my errors in judgement, and use those as accolades? I remember a time when that wouldn't have been mentioned. Your political opponent may have used that information, but you certainly wouldn't go bragging about that. Wasn't that many years ago even your opponent wouldn't have used that particular indiscretion on your part to attack you. 
 I understand the whole build up, encourage, and provide support thing. Forgiveness and understanding. Yes, we all deserve that, we should all receive that. It's just that I don't believe you should use your past indiscretions, misdeeds or outright criminal acts as attributes! It is almost like the more of that you can list, the better it makes you. We have taken to calling that experience. It is also an attribute these days to advertise your sexual preferences. The more deviant they are, the better it is for you. That's because we are being told we must accept that as normal and natural. 
 A man that thinks he is a woman, and dresses like a woman, is now the Admiral of the Public Health Services. This is being promoted as momentous and historic. Prior to 2007 the World Health Organization classified transgenderism as a disorder! Yes, it was a treatable mental issue. Yet today it is supposed to be considered normal, no issue with that. In fact, it is to be considered an attribute! Fact is we are being encouraged to embrace this whole LGBQT+ "community" as perfectly normal behaviors to be celebrated. We even have a whole month of the year dedicated to just that! A current gallop poll says about 7% of Americans identify with that community, up from previous years. What a surprise that is when, everyone is doing it and it is the "cool" thing to do. Same reason I did things at five. 
 What we are really witnessing is a shift in the moral fabric of America. It isn't isolated to America though; it is a global thing. Perhaps that has something to do with modern technologies, the world is a much smaller place, and we are all exposed to all manner of behaviors, customs and traditions. Hey, everybody is doing it! That's what I'm hearing all the time. The same excuse I attempted to use when I was five years old, everybody else was doing it. Thing is I was told, you should know better, latter on I was told, you know better, and the third time I was punished for my wrongdoing. I didn't get to brag about having done that previously and learned how to do it better! It didn't make me a hero because I overcame my mistakes. It simply made me a bit wiser. The hope was no one ever found out how stupid or silly I had been. I sure wasn't telling anyone. 
 It all boils down to a simple thing in my opinion. I'm going to invoke some of my Christian belief here. There is a story in the Bible about this woman, reputed to be a harlot, washing the feet of Jesus. He tells her, Go and sin no more. He didn't say keep on sinning and I'll keep on forgiving. He didn't say, go tell everyone of your sins and insist they forgive you. No, the message was, don't do it! And that's what I'm saying the message should be. Don't do that stuff in the first place! That is what we should be teaching our children.

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