Wednesday, July 6, 2022


 I try to listen to a variety of opinions, different points of view and understand what it is they are saying. One thing I still haven't quite got a grasp on is the idea of Black culture. I hear about that all the time, from all sorts of people. Thing is I have never heard a definitive explanation of what exactly black culture is supposed to be. I hear a lot about the injustices of the past that were perpetrated against blacks, most notably African peoples. I hear about the prejudice and struggle these folks face today. I don't dismiss any of that, it is real, no denying that. The part that confuses me is the proclamation that all they want is equal treatment, to be the same as everyone else, yet they also want to claim they are somehow different, somehow handicapped. This handicap is solely the fault of white Europeans. It's a cultural thing? So, my question is a simple one, what is black culture? How does black culture differ from white European/American  culture?
 Sure I get the music is different, but there are many different types of music, defined mostly by what's in vogue. The recent music that appears to define black culture is this stuff called Hip-Hop or Rap. That's an old white guy's take on it anyway. The lyrics are filled with aggression, with foul and profane language. The performers want to be seen as "ghetto" or "gang bangers" or ex-cons. Is that black culture? I remember when I was young the black people were noted for fancy clothes and fancy cars. A stereotype? No, it was simply an observation on my part and the current fashion trend. It is what was cool. The white kids were wearing leather jackets and tee shirts. Others were dressed in slacks, button down shirts and nice shoes. All of that changed over time. To say we have all gone "casual" is a vast understatement. 
 Now culture is defined as the customs, arts, social institutions and achievements of a particular society or group. I wonder what different customs do black Americans have?  What art is different, what social institution, what achievements? Is that what all this "black" is about? How is black culture any different from the white culture in America? Everyone enjoys a wide variety of customs and arts. There is nothing unique about any of that. I'm really trying to understand the culture clash. Is it even possible for opposing cultures to co-exist? And in that question, I am concerned. Is the proposition that every failure on the part of African Americans is because of white people accurate? That is certainly is the message I get. 
 A portion of me comes from German ancestry. I however have zero German culture. I know nothing about it beyond what I have seen on television or read about. Stereotypes? You bet they are, lederhosen, drinking lots of beer, oom-pah music, Nazi's and German engineering! That's the German culture. I've some Swedish in me as well. What are the Swedes? Big burly guys that talk funny, probably on skis. The ladies are all blondes and beautiful. That's the Swedes. My only point here being, I believe you belong to the culture you grow up in, not the culture of your ancestors. If you want to embrace the culture of your ancestors, you need to go where those ancestors were. You may or may not find that. My thinking is you will be disappointed. The whole grass is greener on the other side thing.
 That leads me back to my first question, what is black culture? What sets it apart from American culture. And yes, if you are born and raised here you are a part of the American cultural experience. But that experience only applies as it relates to the period in time you are actually experiencing. Whatever cultural differences there were in the past, are in the past. Equality does mean being equal. Currently there are no legal impediments to any race succeeding in our culture. Those days are in the past. It is a wise man that learns from the past, that knows the history and the outcome of decisions made. It truly is the way James Monroe put it, "moral and religious motives are inadequate", and so we are left with legislation. It is the responsibility of every person to act appropriately and in support of the common good, the common culture. Just seems to me that everyone wants to be treated equally, until they are. That is when the "differences" become excuses or exceptions to the rule. The justification for that sometimes drawn from the past or as a threat to the future. Yes, we all want to be the same, but different. Each one of us feel like we are that exception. I get that. We justify that with a single word, But. 
 I don't often get comments on these blogs. I can say this, however. Those that don't agree with me even asking the question will utilize that one word, but, to explain why I am wrong. Some may agree and still say, but. But, you are not black and therefore can't understand how that feels. But, you are white and enjoy white privilege. But, you are old and can't relate to modern times. But, you don't have a college degree. But. well you get it. Still I would like to know the answer, if there is one. 

1 comment:

  1. If you don't KNOW what 'culture' means, here's a definition. "the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group:
    "Caribbean culture" · [more]
    civilization · society · way of life · lifestyle · customs · traditions · heritage · habits · ways · mores · values"

    It can include speech, clothing, celebrations, food, etc. Each of us has a 'culture' that we were 'born into'....that was carried to us through our ancestors and may have changed a bit along the way from adoption of other cultures that we've incorporated into our own lives.

    ANYWAY....WHO cares? People are PEOPLE, should be equal to civilized treatment, without rudeness and avoidance toward anyone....since GOD Himself created each one with similar emotions and feelings. Get rid of the bias AND the prejudices.
