Monday, January 24, 2022


 I literally have volumes of notes. I keep a legal pad by the computer and write things down as I research them. It has become somewhat of a habit. That developed as a result of social media. As we all know, there are experts in every field just sitting at their keyboard ready to point out any "misinformation" or fact that may be in error. Yes, you had better have references these days! I don't usually provide that reference however, if I did, every post would have more footnotes that a PhD dissertation. And even then, it would be met with dispute.
 You would think that is a good thing. I can't see that. All I see are people finding a reference to agree with their opinion. And yes, you can generally find a quote, some paper or article, to support whatever it is you wish to support. It is as I have pointed out on many occasions: "there is little that can be said that hasn't been said before." I know that to be true because I too have found many things to agree with whatever I am writing about. I can find very famous people that agree or very obscure people that agree. “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” ― André Gide  See, I just goggled that. I admit to never having heard of the man that said it. I'd say we were like minded though. I'll have to read about him.
 As to all my notes I can't say why I'm saving them. I just stick them away somewhere like I'm going to use them again. I suppose you could say it is a sort of library to my questions and thoughts. Those notes certainly aren't in any order nor make much sense as a whole work. They are just fragments. I will say I intend to save them, pack them away eventually, left to be discovered. What the eventual fate of them will be I don't know. My first thought is, in the trash can. That's simply because someone will have to sort through the stuff I litter my world with. One man's treasure and all of that. Those thoughts heightened recently hearing about the passing of old friends, classmates and acquaintances. 
 I wish I could remember all of that stuff, I'd be a Jeopardy contestant. A good bit of it is forgotten almost as soon as I write it. There are certain things each of us have the ability to retain easily, and things we struggle to remember. The things we remember are those things of importance to us. I think it is a bit deeper than that however, it is why we choose to remember that stuff as well. Are we remembering to impress others with our ability to remember and repeat? I believe that is true for some. And we all know some folks like that. The character Cliff on the old sitcom Cheers was a characterization of that. Of course, his facts were always wrong, but the importance was in knowing something that others didn't. And that, that is something that we all can relate too. Secret knowledge is the best! 
 I like to think of those notes as a window to my mind. If you take a look in there you might be surprised at what you see. It's a justification for saving those note pads full of scribbles, facts, quotes and thoughts. What will be left behind. You know it isn't so much what we have when we are here, as what we leave behind. What we leave behind is used to shape the future. It's my thinking we should provide quality materials. I just pulled down an old notepad. There on the top of the page I had written. Be careful who you pretend to be, you might forget who you are. I just googled that and discovered the author is unknown, although the thought has been around a long time. It was expressed differently but the meaning was the same. So now I'm quoting the unknown. I'll make a note of that.        

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