Monday, January 10, 2022


  Isn't it the strangest thing? I hear people complaining all the time about the cost of medical care, how they can't afford that. I hear the complaints about the cost of housing, an automobile, or designer clothing. I hear the cries of I can't afford that, I need a living wage! All of that yet cigarette sales are still doing fine, at over a hundred a carton. Beer, wine and liquor sales are strong. Gambling in all forms enjoys public support. Yes, it's almost as though vice isn't concerned with the economy at all. Seems as though people find a way to "get by" just fine when it comes to the things they want in that department. I've heard of people being evicted from their homes because they couldn't pay the rent, but I haven't heard of anyone paying the rent and complaining, I can't buy cigarettes, beer, or drugs! No food, but they have two hundred dollar sneakers. Isn't it the strangest thing?
 Okay, so that is only the low income people right? It is only a few people, those down on their luck, or born into a system of systemic poverty, trapped by circumstances. It's not their fault, it has nothing to do with the choices they make. They just don't have any choice, it's survival! If only those people that work for a living, are successful, making good financial choices would give more money to those poor people, we wouldn't have that problem in society at all. In fact the top 1% of wage earners in the country should have to pay a good deal more in taxes to support programs and give aways to those less fortunate. This paying of only 35% of all tax money collected just isn't enough! The lowest income people only have what they are given, and it isn't enough. 
 On average a welfare recipient gets a thousand dollars a month. I know, doesn't sound like much does it? That figure doesn't include any other entitlements however. Depending upon the state a single Mother can receive as much as 35,000 a year all told. But, that's not enough. That only equates to 16.83 cents an hour. Having more children can get you that raise. Well because they can't afford birth control. 
 Then I hear about all the crime in the cities. All the major cities are experiencing increased rates of homicide, drug dealing, drug usage, robberies and other violent crimes. The reason being, the poor people are just trying to survive. It's not their fault. If they were all given a good place to live, great schools, money to spend beyond the necessities, you know a decent "disposable" income, the crime would stop. But they are not, so it's not their fault. How else can they afford to buy the drugs, booze, and lottery tickets? How else can they afford to gamble at the Casinos in hopes of striking it rich? After all, they have no job skills. other than criminal activities. Not their fault. So, they commit crimes.
 Did you notice when the government closed businesses, they didn't close the liquor stores? Casinos remained opened. Those were considered, necessary. Why was that? The simple answer is, because the people would have revolted! The liquor stores would have all been broken into and robbed until the shelves were bare. The Casinos had enough influence with the politicians to get themselves exempted, for the most part. Hear of any cigarette shortages? Was there a beer shortage? No, didn't hear about that. No toilet paper though, hand sanitizer was a hot item. In fact, some companies that produced liquor began producing hand sanitizer as well. Kinda kill two birds with one stone. Only one thing stronger than Covid-19, vice! That's correct, vice will remain fully funded at all times. If anyone complains too loudly, we will simply legalize the vice! Problem solved.
 Now Covid-19 and all its' variants are proving to be the dominant factor. Government decisions on how to deal with Covid is that instrument. Lock downs, mask wearing, social distance, testing, not testing, how many tests and when, are all impacting the economy. Compliance is the goal, blind compliance with whatever the government mandates. Strangely we haven't heard of a lessening in crime or vice in any of its' forms. Guess Covid doesn't affect any of that, no impact. Haven't heard of less homeless people. You would think they would have all been infected and died after almost two years! Maybe living under an overpass or on a grate in the city streets gives you immunity. 
 Maybe we should be learning something from that. Ignoring all the advice from the government regarding covid protocols keeps you safe. Seems to be working in the homeless community. Yes, that's a community, it's what we call any group of people that display aberrant behaviors, but we don't want to offend them. They are a community. Also, we shouldn't be protesting or complaining about the minimum wage, we should be advocating for disposable income! A living wage isn't enough! We need a living wage plus, say 20% or so for vice, you know that stuff we like to do like smoke dope, drink, gamble, go shopping. The way the system is now, the cost of vice is cutting into our living wage. It was great when the government was giving us all some stimulus money, you know something a little extra. Maybe we should just have a "vice" tax, to fund the give aways. You file a V-1 form provided by your employer, and the government sends you an extra 20% for disposable needs, you know, vice. Then no one has to commit crimes to get the things they want. The rich people will pay for that. Hey if they pay 35% now, other 20% shouldn't be a problem.     

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