Monday, January 17, 2022

here's a thought

 It's tax season. That's what I heard on the news this morning. The IRS will be accepting returns soon. Now, you won't be getting your refund anytime soon that was also reported. The IRS needs more money to process returns. That's right, the government needs more money so they can collect more money! The tax code has become more complex. Well, who would have believed that, more complex? It is currently only 70,000 pages. Any congressman or senator could read and understand that almost overnight. They do it with bills all the time. Well, sometimes they do have to pass the bill before they know what is in it, so they can know what is in it.
 I consider myself fortunate that I really don't have to worry about taxes. I can just file the simplest of forms. I even get mine prepared for free through my bank. That is simply because I have never been one that was overly concerned with making money. I have no investments, no portfolio, no large sums to protect from the government. It isn't that I wouldn't like to have all of that, it's just that I never "applied" myself to that task. I went to work, drew a paycheck, spent it and made another one. Now I just wait for my money to arrive in the bank. I use direct deposit! How modern and progressive is that? 
 I expect I will hear a great deal of complaining this year, not that I don't hear a lot every year, but many are unaware. Remember all that "free" money? It wasn't free, you have to pay that back. If you already received your child tax credits you don't get to claim them on your taxes. I'm no tax expert, know very little about any of it in fact, but know this, nothing is free! Any monies spent or given away for that matter comes out of your pocket! There is no such thing as government money, there is only taxpayers' money. And, as strange as it is, that includes those that don't pay any tax in the first place. Those folks will pay in some fashion. Mostly by the surrender of their rights and freedoms. Dependence upon government is the strongest prison of all. 
 Now the biggest expense for the government in the coming years will be placating their dependents. The official line is restoring Americas' infrastructure. The reality is providing free internet services to certain neighborhoods along with all the electronic devices required in conjunction with that. Hey, it's called social inequity when you can't afford the same products as your neighbor. I should get the Rolls Royce too! And new housing, I should get new housing. I shouldn't have to live in an apartment, I deserve so much more. I should get free health care, free educational opportunities, and money to spend every month on entertainment. I shouldn't have to travel more than a few blocks to have the finest in shopping, no food deserts! And all of that cost's money! 
 Yes here is the simple truth. The ones that aren't paying anything into the system are the ones costing the system the most money. Economics 101. Now isn't that an inconvenient truth? Also, the more dependents you have, the greater the cost to you. That way with people and government. Really it isn't hard to understand. There will never be enough money to fund dependence. That's sorta the reason we seek independence. What a revolutionary thought!   

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