Tuesday, January 25, 2022

in the singular

  In continuing to think about my stuff, the stuff I will leave behind, I'm trying to grasp the truth. The truth is the best thing I can leave behind are memories. That is pretty much what I inherited from my parents and grandparents. I have lots of fine memories. Yes, I have some reminders around, some things that were theirs, but the truth is the value of them lies in the memory of them. The objects themselves hold no intrinsic value. The memories however, they are priceless, but solely to me. That's also true when we share a memory with another, each placing a separate value upon that. We can share a memory but never give one away. Memories are always in the first person. 
 When someone passes away shared memories are lost. That's true when we lose the only one that shared a particular memory. I have memories of being with my parents, my siblings, good friends and co-workers. Memories shared in the first person, now lost. To others they are just stories. That's not to say others don't enjoy those stories but that they are just stories. Fact or fiction? Many times we remember what we wished had been, rather than what actually was. We relate fiction as fact. 
 But all of this is just a desire to be remembered. I'm aware of that, I feel it. I don't want to be forgotten. I also don't want anyone fixated on my passing. Move on, continue living your life but think about me every now and again. That's what I mean. It's a strange thing. I mean, I won't be here to know so why should I be concerned with that? I have no doubt that life after death is a thing. As to what exactly life in heaven or hell is really, I'd have to say, I'm not certain. I don't think I will know that I'm dead. I don't think I will know of anything I have done in the past. I'm not expecting to go to a party where I can be reunited with everyone that was "good." I do believe my energy will continue. And energy can be positive or negative. In fact it is my belief that both must exist, like dark and light, hot and cold. It's a natural state. 
 I'm thinking that I can influence that energy. I can leave behind a positive force. I can do that with memories. No matter how much wealth or material objects I should leave it is the memories held by others that will determine that. Our memories of others hold lessons. I think that is why we remember them in the first place, we did learn something from them. We have said at one time or another, so and so said this or that, or did this or that. We are relating the lesson to others. Wisdom is usually associated with age, although the two are not dependent upon one another, but it is something acquired. Well, some acquire it, others don't seem to remember. And that is what wisdom really is, lessons remembered. Perhaps that explains why some have "old" souls. We have all known someone like that. An infusion of positive energy perhaps? 
 We will find comfort a moment at a time. Memories provide those moments. Those memories will provide moments of comfort to those that remember you. It has been said never speak ill of the dead. The reason for that? Remember the good, remember the moments. Even when the person makes mistakes, even when they may injure you in some fashion, they have provided moments. No one is all bad. Remember that, speak of the good. And so, seek to leave good memories behind.  That is a legacy worth leaving. When the money is spent, the material items old, worn and discarded, the memories will remain. Something your loved ones can carry with them forever, and in that, find comfort. That is something worth leaving. A single memory. A single moment in time. Comfort in the singular, priceless.   

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