Tuesday, January 18, 2022


  Just heard were there are plans to combine the flu shot and the covid vaccine into a single dose. The line is that way you only have to get one shot, instead of two. What I hear is, that way you get that covid vaccine whether you like it or not. Won't work with me though, I don't get the seasonal flu shot either. But I am aware that many people get that shot every year even the ones that refuse this latest therapy, being called a vaccine. But I guess the plan is going to be, all or nothing! And this is going to be hailed as a breakthrough, an advance in medical history. 
 I keep seeing the meme's the articles about how we have eradicated so many diseases with other vaccines. That is not the case. All those diseases still exist in the world, are still viable, and can still be transmitted. Yes, they are under control by use of a vaccine. A vaccine that actually works! And that is the big difference. This vaccine doesn't really work. It may or may not lessen the severity of the disease, there is no way to actually measure that despite claims to the contrary. Is there a control group? How many have volunteered to be infected with the delta and omicron variants to establish a level? Yes, early on there were the supposed control groups getting the vaccine, some placebo, some real. Just how do we, the average Joe, know that actually happened. Could be the ones that got sick were just those "breakthrough" cases. Could be everyone received the "vaccine." Could be, it just doesn't work any better than the seasonal flu shot that we have been getting all these years. Seasonal Flu shot efficacy? 40-60%. That number from the CDC. I read that as a 50/50 chance. Might work, might not!
 The reality is, for whatever reason. the government has decided we will all get this vaccine. We will get it whether we want it or not. I'm not much of a conspiracy guy, especially any conspiracies that would require the cooperation of so many, but something just isn't right here. The lead Doctor has changed his statements more times than I change my socks! His latest statement saying that even herd immunity will not stop covid! Surprised Doc? I'm not, do we have herd immunity against the common cold? Nope, and that has been around as long as man has been around, as far as we know. I'm no doctor but I'd say there are certain things that we will never be immune too. Covid is a coronavirus. Remember that? Before all we heard is Covid-19 we were told it was a coronavirus. Then the people received a bit of education and came to understand that a common cold is also a coronavirus! 
 As I said, I'm not much of a conspiracy guy. I can offer no explanation for this response, on a world wide basis. I am aware this is happening in every other developed nation. I just don't understand why. This disease, this virus, has a survivability rate over 98%! World hunger is causing more death than this virus yet there has been no great outcry, no great response. There are drug cartels murdering people by the thousands, little to no response to that. 
 I just have to wonder? Could it be that a biological weapon was accidently released from a lab in China? The only way to cover that up is by mass denial. I'm certain that lab was being funded by multiple agencies, multiple countries. That the United States had a stake in it can't be denied, no matter how much they try. The only thing to do is create mass distraction from the cause and get the people focused on the cure, but not a cure, convince the people it is a matter of survival! It's the old adage, it's hard to remember the objective was to drain the swamp when you are up to your ass in alligators!       

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