Thursday, September 17, 2020

what it is

  Look, I just gotta say it, we need to start calling things what they are. Lately some have taken to calling looting and riots, protesting. They are not, it is looting and rioting! I've been talking about this for a while. I think for me it first started when they tried to call abortion, health care. Health care is not killing babies! It is first degree, premeditated murder, that's what it is. You can add all the what ifs' and butts' you like, it doesn't change the procedure, the actual act being performed. It is premeditated, indeed a scheduled event, the termination of a life, an execution. That's what it is. Now I keep hearing "peaceful protests" to describe the burning, looting and destruction of property. Attorney General Barr has suggested those engaging in such should be charged with sedition. I agree. Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state. I'd say burning down police stations qualify. But I'm hearing some, like the New York Times, trying to defend that as "peaceful protests." No, it's sedition!                                                                                                                                                         We hear a lot about racism. What is racism? It is the belief that peoples behaviors are determined by their racial identity. What it really is, is perception. Cultural perception to be more precise. All white people are like this and all black people are like that and Asians are like this, etc. It's all about culture and perception. What we are seeing in America today isn't racism, it is perception. Some is right, some is completely wrong. What is at the heart of it all?  Correcting economic disparity is often cited as the remedy. If we spend enough money, distribute enough money, racism will just disappear. Is that correct? That is what is being promoted. But if that where the case, if everyone that feels they are economically disadvantaged regardless of their racial identity, where given more money would that erase feelings?          No, it would not. What it would do, given time, is change culture. Cultural perceptions would most certainly change, but not right away, it would take several generations. The reason is obvious enough if you just think about it for a minute. Given money today would you change your habits, you likes and dislikes overnight? Like winning the lottery would that really change who you are? Statistics suggest that wouldn't be the case, as 70% of those winning the lottery go broke. Why? Because they just indulge their every want, they live to excess. Take a look at the celebrities and sports figures as examples. What perception do we little people have of them and their lifestyle? What is the remedy?                                   Does racism exist? Of course it does and it always will. Why, because you can't really change what people see. When people see something, anything, that is different there will be a judgement made. That judgement will hinge upon past experiences, or if there is no past experience at all, upon the individuals temperament. We all have a natural instinct to survive. That survival is based on determining the threat posed. It's the response some people have to something as innocuous as a clown. Small children are often scared by those. It is just the perception of danger. The image we present reinforces perception. It makes no difference what race you are in that regard. If you see a man dressed as a cowboy you will make certain assumptions based on that. Will it make a difference if he is white, black or something else? No, not really, he will still be viewed as a cowboy. If you see someone dressed like a hard core biker does the color of their skin matter? You see two men, one is in a suit and tie and the other is wearing gang attire, which one do you approach? Depends upon how you are dressed doesn't it? Yeah, birds of a feather and all that. Same as racism, a belief based in perception.                                                  Now I mention all of that because of another perception, in actuality a misconception about these rioters and looters. They are not all black people. Yet, that is the perception most people have and I have to ask why that is? Is that due to racism? The easy answer is yes, that's the only reason for that. But that isn't the truth of the matter at all. You have this organization, it's nothing new, it's been around awhile, about five years or so. It was founded by three women. It is a globally recognized organization. Black Lives Matter. Now whether you agree with their agenda or not isn't the question here. It was founded and organized in the hope of achieving racial equality and justice. But today, that organization has been highjacked. It has been hijacked by those that would use the power of that organization for personal gain. Let's go to the obvious hijackers, white people. Yes, those white people that have joined in with the rioting, the looting, the destruction of property, standing in solidarity. Why are they there? Many are being paid to be there. Also the reason they are being bailed out of jail. When this passes, and it will pass, will they still be there, standing with their black brothers? History would suggest otherwise, they will scatter like seeds in the wind. But the objective will have been met, Black Lives Matter is now associated with lawlessness! The real question to be answered is, who is behind all of this? Who stands to gain from the destruction of Black Lives Matter? Who wants to grab power, at any cost, and impose their will upon the people? As strange as it seems it is people that hold the same ideology as Black Lives Matter. Both are avowed Marxists! Yes, the agenda of Black Lives Matter is Marxism for the United States of America. That's what their founding members say and I can only take their word for it. I will say I support our Republic and don't want anything to do with Marxism regardless of your race, creed, or nationality.                                                                                                                                                       I will leave it at that. Black Lives Matter has a stated goal of achieving a Marxist state. That is the end game here. You can call it by many names, describe it in many different fashions. But call it what it is, a political movement. Marxism is communism. Karl Marx said: The theory of communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property. The truth is, Black Lives Matter has little to do with Black Lives and everything to do with a political movement. It really doesn't matter what color your skin is when it comes to Marxism. Do Black Lives Matter? Yes, of course they do. The question really should be, do Black Lives support communism? The rest of it is all a distraction, a means to a end. Wake up people.   

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