Wednesday, September 23, 2020

for the children

  Well I'm hearing it once again, this will benefit the children. We should pass this legislation because it will fund schools in Maryland. I can only shake my head. What is this legislation that will provide the revenue so desperately needed? All the lotteries, the scratch offs, the daily numbers, the legalization of pot, all failed to provide sufficient revenues despite all the assurances they would? Well, legalized sports betting is the answer. Yes, if we allow people to legally place their bets on football, baseball, car races or any sport you can imagine the tax from that will then fund the schools. It's a brilliant plan and should be implemented immediately, it is on the ballot! The ads are on television, get out and vote for the children! I'm being reassured this will provide those funds, well because, the bookies have a reputation for being a stickler for honesty and integrity. They surely will all turn legitimate business people and open up their betting café. Hey if it is called a café, that lends it credence. Why it's a respectable establishment for sure. 
 It isn't lost on me that the ones proposing this legislation are the Democrats. The same group that are always complaining about income inequality. They are saying the people need more money, they deserve more money , in fact, they are entitled to more money! And this is in the same demographic that will be betting on sports! Yes, we all know that will be the case. They are already the ones that purchase the largest number of lottery tickets, per capita, the working poor. So basically the Democratic plan is to legalize sport betting, tax that, and fund the schools. In fiscal year 2019 the state of Maryland received 2.9 Billion dollars just from the sale of lottery tickets! Add in the Casino revenue and revenue from horse racing and that number doubles. So what does it cost to fund the schools in Maryland? Last year about 6 billion wasn't enough. Yet the state says they spent 21% of the budget on education. But something ain't right about that. In 2019 the general fund, that's where the education money comes from, was 19.7 Billion dollars. Twenty one per cent of that is about3.8 billion dollars. So where did all that revenue from the lotteries and such go? They generated far more than 3.8 billion. Could it be that the funds aren't really going to education like was promised? We need sports betting.
 I shake my head wondering what will they justify next with this excuse, it's for the children? Seems like they are running short on vice to legalize. Prostitution may be next, you know, for the children. We could tax that, after all, they are going to do it anyway. That would make it safer for everyone, especially the workers. The Democrats are certainly concerned about the workers. Why that's the very reason they afford those people the opportunity to purchase all those tickets in the first place, granting them freedom to get rich! We could raise the minimum wage, that way they can buy more tickets. Heck, we can even give the money to those that aren't willing to work and those that aren't here legally. They should be able to buy tickets too, you know, for the kids. You know those folks support all the liquor stores, the lottery outlets, the keno parlors, and head shops or whatever it is they call them these days, dispensaries I believe. And I'm certain they only do it, for the children.    

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