Saturday, September 19, 2020

sorting it out

  I woke up to the news that Justice Ginsburg passed away. I have to say I didn't agree with her politics but she will be remembered as an icon. May she rest in peace. The rest is obvious enough, a seat on the court will have to be filled. I can see that as being quite the distraction for quite some time. It is not going to be a nomination, or a confirmation without controversy and much upheaval. I dread it, the whole process is going to be a circus. Politics in America today. Well, there's nothing to be done about it. 
 Today would have been my Dads 96th birthday. Hard to believe he's been gone thirty years now. He was only 66 when he passed, a life cut short. I figure something in heaven needed fixing and he was needed there. That's how I remember him, a man that could fix anything. His mechanical prowess was beyond reproach. Anyone that knew him was aware of that, a man of many talents indeed. At the age of 22 he was a flight engineer on B-24 bombers flying over the hump, as it was called, fighting the Japanese. It's often hard for us to remember that, 22 years old, fighting a war! When asked about that his response was always the same, a terrible thing war, but something that needed doing. 
 The weather has taken a turn toward the chilly side, cold almost. I had noticed the fall grass coming in and a greying of the sky. Fall is officially a few days away. The holidays are ahead but won't be the same this year. I can't really say why that is but it is a feeling I have. This year will be different. It is more than a change in the season, it is a larger change than that. It's a shift. A paradigm shift of some type. I don't know, it's just a feeling and it makes me uneasy. It isn't a feeling that moves me to action though, it is a feeling that leaves me questioning. It's a hesitation. Well, whatever is coming will come whether or not I give it approval. 
 Well I should get up from this keyboard and do something more constructive. I have a few little projects in mind. I should get started on them I suppose, although I am lacking in motivation at the moment. We had tried making other plans for today but Covid 19 ruined that. Amazing how many times that has interfered. I'm just in a mood I suppose, it happens to all of us. I feel like I should be doing something but don't know what that is. I'm not open to suggestions either. I'm sure you know what I mean. I just have to sort things out once again. Where to begin? Another cup of coffee should help. On second thought, maybe put on another pot.  

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