Tuesday, September 1, 2020

an exception to freedom

 I realize it is impossible to say anything that could be taken as positive or supportive in any way about the current president without being labeled a Trumper. With that being said I will continue. I was watching the evening news when it was announced the President was giving a press conference at the white house. So they went to that coverage. As the president spoke I didn't hear anything unexpected from him. He was just talking about the out of control violence/protesting going on in the country. He was talking about the refusal of Democratic mayors and governors to accept the help of the federal government in bringing this anarchy under control. As I said no surprises. Then in mid sentence it goes right back to the regular evening news broadcast. I turned to my wife and asked, do you remember the television station every doing that in the past? I certainly don't. Since when do we cut off the president in mid sentence? 
 Now I realize we hear from the president on an almost daily basis these days. That has been a thing for a while now. It was true even with the previous administration, but I don't remember them cutting Obama off. I could be wrong though as I didn't really listen to a lot of what he had to say. Truth be told I don't listen to Trump very often either as it is usually the same old thing. But whatever the case is, I was just wondering about cutting off the president. To be fair, they did say coverage would continue on another channel. I didn't catch which one. I also didn't go searching for it. The news continued with a sort of rebuttal to what the president had just talked about. I couldn't help but take notice of that. It is just further evidence, as far as I'm concerned, of the bias nature of the media these days. For me it also shows a lack of respect for the office of president. The president of the United States of America is often referred to the leader of the free world. You've heard that, and I've heard that, and the vast majority of Americans have heard that. So to effectively just ignore him is a slap in the face to those that would listen to what he is saying. If you don't want to hear it you can turn it off but I don't believe it is appropriate to turn the President off! I noticed they aired the full speech that Biden made, without interruption. A speech that did nothing but blame Trump for everything from the War of the Roses to the current day. 
 It's no surprise, no big revelation that the news is left leaning. One only needs to look at the ownership of those corporations to understand that. There are only six major networks and all six are controlled by the globalists and wealthy elites. Their agenda is to establish a new world order and the destruction of the American republic is tops on the list. Yes the term Democracy will be used over and over again, we are fighting to preserve our Democracy. That's what they want you to believe, it's going to be a Democracy. Let's not forget what Aristotle had to say about about. " Republics decline into Democracies and Democracies into Despotism" A Democracy is the next step and one the left wants badly, it will bring those wealthy elites one step closer. What follows is Despotism just as Aristotle tells us. Look to Venezuela if you doubt that at all. 
 What is a Democracy? It is mob rule, plain and simple. You can see what happens in that situation by looking to several major cities in America today! The mob demands satisfaction. The mob will bring death and destruction upon anyone that gets in the way. The things about mobs are they can turn on anyone at anytime. Mob mentality is no mentality! Those that founded this nation, arguably the greatest nation on earth, could have established whatever they wanted. Ben Franklin was asked, following the continental congress, what form of government we had. He answered a Republic, if you can but keep it. That is our responsibility to our "posterity" as it says in the Constitution. We must preserve the Republic. Don't be confused by the terms used, a Republic is what we have and what we need to keep. A Republic is what has made us the greatest nation on earth. Don't fall for the Democracy narrative, the first "exception" given to true freedom. It's all downhill from there. The media is attempting to silence that voice, the voice of the Republic. And that voice is the President of the United States, whoever that individual happens to be at any moment in time. But We the People are that Republic, we can choose our representative, we choose the leader, the leader isn't promoted! The mob doesn't get to choose. The people get that choice. 

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