Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 On September the 16th my mother will be celebrating her 91st birthday. I had hoped to drive to Georgia and surprise her, but coronavirus put an end to that plan. Her home care team strictly forbid that. No foreigners allowed! Anyone not in the same home with her, especially someone from "away" is a danger. Imagine that, I was forbidden to go see her. I realize it is for the best, I understand all of that, but still it is upsetting. I don't know, maybe I should go set something on fire or loot something. This whole social distancing thing is getting out of hand. But I talked with her on the phone, don't worry I sprayed the phone with a strong disinfectant first, and she was understanding. I believe she is worried about it. Can't blame her for that. She described how her home care team arrives at her home in bio-suits, wearing gloves and masks. I imagine it is frightening to her. And if you listen to the main stream news, older folks are all goners! The news doesn't offer any reassurance that things will be alright. It's a sad situation. My mother was never one to be faint of heart as they say, she doesn't scare easily. This time however, I think they got to her.
 Now don't misunderstand me, this isn't about me not getting to visit my mother. What I'm really talking about is this fear that the media has instilled into the masses. This whole "plandemic" has been a string of misinformation, hyped up numbers, and gloom. The country has been effectively shut down, doing significant damage to the economy, effecting our children's education, and leaving people paranoid. Even the talk of a possible vaccine is not good news. With the rush to produce this "life saving" vaccine the general impression is, it won't be safe. That's one thing I'd have to agree with, without lengthy trials we really can't know. Don't think so? Turn on the television and how many teams of lawyers are on there every day urging you to file suit against a drug manufacturer. Baby powder for Gods sake is linked to causing cancer! How many years we been using that? And you are going to tell me a "vaccine" produced in record time is safe? Yeah, okay. The best we can hope for is some placebo vaccine to ease some fears. And I wouldn't be surprised if that is in the works as well. There are trials going on right now. Wanna bet that no one has an adverse reaction to any of those "vaccines." Well, they might get a few sniffles, be tired or have muscle aches, but nothing significant. Read the side effects on any bottle of medicine, not one is without some possible side effect. Perhaps the vaccine will come with a disclaimer that you have to sign. Want this life saving vaccine? You have to sign the waiver first! Watch for it.
 John Acton wrote: " History provides neither compensation for suffering nor penalties for wrong. " When we look back at this time in history what will we see? It is a time of fear and isolation. Our leaders are driving this with their programs, their incessant warnings, and imposition of policy. A new term entered the lexicon of America, social distancing. The main stream media even embarked on a campaign of bullying. I don't see how you could describe it otherwise given the messaging they have chosen. If you don't wear a mask you are endangering children and the elderly, it's the Parotitic thing to do! Failure to do so, to hold a different opinion on that subject just means you don't care about anyone else. You are a narcissistic ego maniac without empathy or compassion. And you're selfish! That's pretty much the message you hear, sounds like bullying to me. And John Acton is correct, history will not provide compensation for suffering nor penalty for wrong. All we are left with is sorrow and regret.
 The future is formed by the past, by history. It is our children that will shape that future with the lessons they have been taught. What are we teaching the children today? To isolate in fear when faced with the possibility of death? Isn't that what is being taught? If you get the covid, you'll die! You sure don't hear much about, you'll recover. You should do everything possible to protect not only yourself but do everything possible to protect others from you! The subliminal message is, YOU are the carrier, YOU are the one that will spread a deadly disease that kills everyone! You can be tested but you can't rely on a test taken today, you could still harbor that deadly virus! You are never safe from spreading this disease to others. You may not get sick but that doesn't mean others won't!  Is that a healthy message? Wear that mask, stay six foot away from everyone, get that vaccination! Fear and isolation. If others get sick, it's your fault. Yeah, guilt goes a long way to gaining compliance as well.

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